(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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388 Numerical relativity18.5 Computational science, numerical relativity, and the‘Cactus’ code18.5.1 The computational challenges of numerical relativityBefore we describe our computational methods in the following subsections, wesummarize the computational challenges of numerical relativity discuss<strong>ed</strong> above.It is in response to these challenges that we have devis<strong>ed</strong> the computationalmethods.• Computational challenges due to the complexity of the physics involv<strong>ed</strong>.The Einstein equations are probably the most complex partial differentialequations in all physics, forming a system of dozens of coupl<strong>ed</strong>, nonlinearequations, with thousands of terms, of mix<strong>ed</strong> hyperbolic, elliptic, and evenundefin<strong>ed</strong> types in a general coordinate system. The evolution has ellipticconstraints that should be satisfi<strong>ed</strong> at all times. In simulations withoutsymmetry, as would be the case for realistic astrophysical processes, codescan involve hundr<strong>ed</strong>s of 3D arrays, and ten of thousands of operationsper grid point per update. Moreover, for simulations of astrophysicalprocesses, we will ultimately ne<strong>ed</strong> to integrate numerical relativity withtraditional tools of computational astrophysics, including hydrodynamics,nuclear astrophysics, radiation transport and magnetohydrodynamics, whichgovern the evolution of the source terms (i.e. the right-hand side) of theEinstein equations. This complexity requires us to push the frontiers ofmassively parallel computation.• Challenge in collaborative technology. The integration of numerical relativityinto computational astrophysics is a multidisciplinary development,partly due to the complexity of the Einstein equations, and partly due to thephysical systems of interest. Solving the Einstein equations on massivelyparallel computers involves gravitational physics, computational science, numericalalgorithm and appli<strong>ed</strong> mathematics. Furthermore, for the numericalsimulations of realistic astrophysical systems; many physics disciplines,including relativity, astrophysics, nuclear physics, and hydrodynamics areinvolv<strong>ed</strong>. It is therefore essential to have the numerical code software engineer<strong>ed</strong>to allow codevelopment by different research groups and groups withdifferent expertise.• The multiscale problem. Astrophysics of strongly gravitating systemsinherently involves many length and timescales. The microphysics of theshortest scale (the nuclear force), controls macroscopic dynamics on thestellar scale, such as the formation and collapse of neutron stars (NSs). Onthe other hand, the stellar scale is at least ten times less than the wavelengthof the gravitational <strong>waves</strong> emitt<strong>ed</strong>, and many orders of magnitude less thanthe astronomical scales of their accretion disk and jets; these larger scalesprovide the directly observ<strong>ed</strong> signals. Numerical studies of these systems,aiming at direct comparison with observations, fundamentally require the

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