(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Tools for analysing the numerical spacetimes 387The theory of black hole perturbations is well develop<strong>ed</strong>. One identifiescertain perturb<strong>ed</strong> metric quantities that evolve according to wave equationson the black hole background. These perturb<strong>ed</strong> metric functions are alsodependent of the gauge in which they are comput<strong>ed</strong>. We use a gauge-invariantprescription for isolating wave modes on black hole background, develop<strong>ed</strong> firstby Moncrief [127]. The basic idea is that although the perturb<strong>ed</strong> metric functionstransform under coordinate transformations (gauge transformations), one canidentify certain linear combinations of these functions that are invariant to firstorder of the perturbation. These gauge-invariant functions are the quantities thatcarry true physics, which does not depend on coordinate systems. They obey thewave equations describing <strong>waves</strong> propagating on the fix<strong>ed</strong> black hole background.There are two independent wave modes, even- and odd-parity, corresponding tothe two degrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om, or polarization modes, of the <strong>waves</strong>.A waveform extraction proc<strong>ed</strong>ure has been develop<strong>ed</strong> that allows oneto process the metric and to identify the wave modes. The gravitationalwavefunction (often call<strong>ed</strong> the ‘Zerilli function’ for even-parity or the ‘Regge–Wheeler function’ for odd-parity) can be comput<strong>ed</strong> by writing the metric as thesum of a background black hole part and a perturbation:g αβ = o g αβ +h αβ (Y l,m ), (18.26)where the perturbation h αβ is expand<strong>ed</strong> in spherical harmonics and theirotensor generalizations and the background part g αβ is spherically symmetric.To compute the elements of h αβ in a numerical simulation, one integratesthe numerically evolv<strong>ed</strong> metric components g αβ against appropriate sphericalharmonics over a coordinate 2-sphere surrounding the black hole, makinguse of the orthogonality properties of the tensor harmonics. This process isperform<strong>ed</strong> for each l, m mode for which waveforms are desir<strong>ed</strong>. The resultingfunctions h αβ (Y l,m ) can then be combin<strong>ed</strong> in a gauge-invariant way, followingthe prescription given by Moncrief [127]. For each l, m mode, this gaugeinvariantgravitational waveform can be extract<strong>ed</strong> when the wave passes through‘detectors’ at some fix<strong>ed</strong> radius in the computational grid. This proc<strong>ed</strong>ure hasbeen describ<strong>ed</strong> in detail in [128–130], and more generally in [121, 131, 132]. Itworks amazingly well, allowing extraction of <strong>waves</strong> that carry very small energies(of order 10 −7 M or less, with M being the mass of the source) away from thesource. The proc<strong>ed</strong>ure should apply to any isolat<strong>ed</strong> source of <strong>waves</strong>, such ascolliding black holes, neutron stars, etc. The spherical perturbation theory (witha few minor modifications) has also been appli<strong>ed</strong> to distort<strong>ed</strong> rotating black holeswith satisfactory results [128–130].

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