(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Tools for analysing the numerical spacetimes 385where ḡ ij is the flat background metric associat<strong>ed</strong> with the coordinates (r,θ,φ),andαA =l max (l max + 1) + β, B = β (18.23)αwith α = c and β = c/2. Here c is a variable step size, with a typical valueof c ∼ 1. l max is the maximum value of l one chooses to use in describingthe surface. The iteration proc<strong>ed</strong>ure is a finite-difference approximation to aparabolic flow, and the adaptive step size is chosen to keep the finite-differenceapproximation roughly close to the flow limit to prevent overshooting of the trueapparent horizon. The adaptive step size is determin<strong>ed</strong> by a standard method us<strong>ed</strong>in ODE integrators: we take one full step and two half steps and compare theresulting a lm . If the two results differ too much one from another, the step size isr<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>.Other methods for finding apparent horizons, bas<strong>ed</strong> directly on computingthe Jacobian of the finite differenc<strong>ed</strong> horizon equation, have been develop<strong>ed</strong>[125, 126] and successfully us<strong>ed</strong> in 3D. For details, see these references.18.4.3 Locating the event horizonsThe AH is defin<strong>ed</strong> locally in time and hence is much easier to locate than theevent horizon (EH) in numerical relativity. The EH is a global object in time;it is trac<strong>ed</strong> out by the path of outgoing light rays that never propagate to futurenull infinity, and never hit the singularity. (It is the boundary of the causal pastof future null infinity Â˙− (Á + ).) In principle, one ne<strong>ed</strong>s to know the entire timeevolution of a spacetime in order to know the precise location of the EH. However,in spite of the global properties of the EH, hope is not lost for finding it veryaccurately, even in a numerical simulation of finite duration. Here we discussa method to find the EH, given a numerically construct<strong>ed</strong> black hole spacetimethat eventually settles down to an approximately stationary state at late times. Inprinciple, as the EH is a null surface, it can be found by tracing the path of nullrays through time. Outward going light rays emitt<strong>ed</strong> just outside the EH willdiverge away from it, escaping to infinity, and those emitt<strong>ed</strong> just inside the EHwill fall away from it, towards the singularity. In a numerical integration it isdifficult to follow accurately the evolution of a horizon generator forward in time,as small numerical errors cause the ray to drift and diverge rapidly from the trueEH. It is a physically unstable process. However, we can actually use this propertyto our advantage by considering the time-revers<strong>ed</strong> problem. In a global sense intime, any outward going photon that begins near the EH will be attract<strong>ed</strong> to thehorizon if integrat<strong>ed</strong> backward in time [103, 117]. In integrating backwards intime, it turns out that it suffices to start the photons within a fairly broad regionwhere the EH is expect<strong>ed</strong> to reside. Such a horizon-containing region, as we callit, is often easy to determine after the spacetime has settl<strong>ed</strong> down to approximatestationarity. The crucial point is that when integrat<strong>ed</strong> backward in time along nullgeodesics, this horizon-containing region shrinks rapidly in ‘thickness’, leading

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