(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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384 Numerical relativityfunctions, and then minimize the integral of the square of the expansion 2 overthe surface. For example, one can parameterize a surface asF(r,θ,φ)= r − h(θ, φ). (18.19)The surface under consideration will be taken to correspond to the zero level ofF. The function h(θ, φ) is then expand<strong>ed</strong> in terms of spherical harmonics:h(θ, φ) =l max ∑l∑l=0 m=−la lm Y lm (θ, φ). (18.20)Similar techniques were develop<strong>ed</strong> by [123].At an AH the expansion integral over the surface should vanish, and we willhave a global minimum. Of course, since numerically we will never find a surfacefor which the integral vanishes exactly, one must set a given tolerance level belowwhich a horizon is assum<strong>ed</strong> to have been found.Minimization algorithms for finding AHs have a few drawbacks: First, thealgorithm can easily settle down on a local minimum for which the expansion isnot zero, so a good initial guess is often requir<strong>ed</strong>. Moreover, when more thanone marginally trapp<strong>ed</strong> surface is present, as is often the case, it is very difficultto pr<strong>ed</strong>ict which of these surfaces will be found by the algorithm. The algorithmcan often settle on an inner horizon instead of the true AH. Again, a good initialguess can help point the finder towards the correct horizon. Finally, minimizationalgorithms tend to be very slow when compar<strong>ed</strong> with ‘flow’ algorithms of the typ<strong>ed</strong>escrib<strong>ed</strong> in the next section. Typically, if N is the total number of terms in thespectral decomposition, a minimization algorithm requires of the order of a fewtimes N 2 evaluations of the surface integrals (where in our experience ‘afew’ cansometimes be as high as ten).This algorithm has been implement<strong>ed</strong> in the ‘Cactus’ code for 3D numericalrelativity [34]. For more details of the application of this algorithm, see[117–119, 122]. 3D fast flow algorithmA second method that has been implement<strong>ed</strong> in the ‘Cactus’ code is the ‘fast flow’method propos<strong>ed</strong> by Gundlach [124]. Starting from an initial guess for the a lm ,itapproaches the apparent horizon through the iterationa (n+1)lm= a (n)lm − A1 + Bl(l + 1) (ρ)(n) lm(18.21)where (n) labels the iteration step, ρ is some positive definite function (‘aweight’), and (ρ) lm are the harmonic components of the function (ρ). Variouschoices for the weight ρ and the coefficients A and B parametrize a family of suchmethods. The fast flow algorithm in Cactus usesρ = 2r 2 |∇ F|[(g ij − s i s j )(ḡ ij −∇ i r∇ j r)] −1 , (18.22)

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