(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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378 Numerical relativityeach cell interface. This implies that there are no Riemann solutions involv<strong>ed</strong>(either exact or approximate); moreover, the scheme has been prov<strong>ed</strong> to alleviateseveral numerical pathologies associat<strong>ed</strong> to the introduction of an averag<strong>ed</strong> state(as Roe’s method does) in the local diagonalization proc<strong>ed</strong>ure (see [92, 97]).For a detail<strong>ed</strong> comparison of the three schemes and their coupling to dynamicalevolution of spacetimes, see [95].The availability of the hyperbolic hydrotreatment and its coupling to thespacetime evolution code is particularly noteworthy. With the development ofa hyperbolic formulation of the Einstein equations describ<strong>ed</strong> above, the entiresystem can be treat<strong>ed</strong> as a single system of hyperbolic equations, rather thanartificially separating the spacetime part from the fluid part.18.3.2 Boundary conditionsAppropriate conditions for the outer boundary have yet to be deriv<strong>ed</strong> for 3Dnumerical relativity. In 1D and 2D relativity codes, the outer boundary isgenerally plac<strong>ed</strong> far enough away that the spacetime is nearly flat there, and staticor flat (i.e. copying data from the next-to-last zone to the outer <strong>ed</strong>ge) boundaryconditions can usually be specifi<strong>ed</strong> for the evolv<strong>ed</strong> functions. However, due tothe constraints plac<strong>ed</strong> on us by limit<strong>ed</strong> computer memory, this is not currentlypossible in 3D. Adaptive mesh refinement will be of great use in this regard, butwill not substitute for proper physical treatment. Most results to date have beencomput<strong>ed</strong> with the evolv<strong>ed</strong> functions kept static at the outer boundary, even if theboundaries are too close for comfort in 3D!There are several other approaches under development that promise toimprove this situation greatly that we will not have room to explore in detail here,but should be mention<strong>ed</strong>. Generally, one has in mind using Cauchy evolution inthe strong field, interior region where, say, black holes are colliding. The outerpart of this region will be match<strong>ed</strong> to some exterior treatment design<strong>ed</strong> to handlewhat is primarily expect<strong>ed</strong> to be outgoing radiation.Two major approaches have been develop<strong>ed</strong> by the NSF Black Hole GrandChallenge Alliance, a large USA collaboration working to solve the black holecoalescence problem, and other groups. First, by using perturbation theory, it ispossible to identify quantities in the numerically evolv<strong>ed</strong> metric functions thatobey the Regge–Wheeler and Zerilli wave equations that describe gravitational<strong>waves</strong> propagating on a black hole background. These can be us<strong>ed</strong> to provideboundary conditions on the metric and extrinsic curvature functions in an actualevolution, as describ<strong>ed</strong> in a recent paper [100]. This is an excellent stepforward in outer boundary treatments that should work to minimize reflectionsof the outgoing wave signals from the outer boundary. In tests with weak<strong>waves</strong>, a full 3D Cauchy evolution code has been successfully match<strong>ed</strong> to theperturbative treatment at the boundary, permitting <strong>waves</strong> to escape from theinterior region with very little reflection. Alternatively, ‘Cauchy-characteristicmatching’ attempts to match spacelike slices in the Cauchy region to null slices

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