(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Still newer formulations: towards a stable evolution system 375the determinant of the 3-metric g ab ) also make the mathematical structure of theevolution equations simpler. However, the local nature of the choice of the lapsecould lead to noise in the lapse [45] and the formation of ‘shock’-like features innumerical evolutions [83, 84]. The former problem can be dealt with by turningthe algebraic slicing equation to an evolution equation with a diffusion term [45],but the latter problem does not seem to have a simple solution.In addition to these most widely us<strong>ed</strong> ‘traditional’ choices of the lapse,there are also some newly develop<strong>ed</strong> slicing conditions whose use in numericalrelativity though promising remain largely unexplor<strong>ed</strong> [85]: (5) K-driver. This isa generalization of the maximal slicing in which the extrinsic curvature, insteadof being set to zero, is requir<strong>ed</strong> to satisfy the condition∂ t K =−cK, (18.16)where c is some positive constant. This was first brought up by Eppley [86] andrecently investigat<strong>ed</strong> in [87]. In this way the trace of the extrinsic curvature, whennumerical inaccuracy causes it to drift away from zero, is ‘driven’ back to zeroexponentially. When combin<strong>ed</strong> with the evolution equations, (18.16) again leadsto an elliptic equation for the lapse. This choice of the lapse is shown in [87] tolead to a much more stable numerical evolution in cases where one wants to avoidlarge values of the extrinsic curvature. The optimal choice of the constant c aswell as a number of variations on this ‘driver’ scheme are presently being studi<strong>ed</strong>.(6) γ -driver. This is another use of the ‘driver’ idea. In this case, the time rateof change of the determinant of the three metric det(g ab ) is driven to zero [87].In the absence of a shift vector or if the shift has zero divergence, this r<strong>ed</strong>ucesto the K-driver. This choice of the lapse, which has the unique property of beingable to respond to the choice of the shift, demands extensive investigations andevaluations.ShiftThe shift vector describes the ‘shifting’ of the coordinates from the normal vectoras one moves from one slice to the next. If the shift vanishes, the coordinate point(x, y, z) will move normal to a given 3D time slice to the next slice in the future.(Refer to York [10] or Cook [88], for details and diagrams.) The choice of shiftis perhaps less well develop<strong>ed</strong> than the choice of lapse in numerical relativity,and many choices ne<strong>ed</strong> to be explor<strong>ed</strong>, particularly in 3D. The main purpose ofthe shift is to ensure that the coordinate description of the spacetime remainswell behav<strong>ed</strong> throughout the evolution. With an inappropriate or poorly chosenshift, coordinate lines may move toward each other, or become very stretch<strong>ed</strong>or shear<strong>ed</strong>, leading to pathological behaviour of the metric functions that may b<strong>ed</strong>ifficult to handle numerically. It may even cause the code to crash if, for example,two coordinate lines ‘touch’ each other creating a ‘coordinate singularity’ (i.e.the metric becomes singular as the distance ds between two coordinate linesgoes to zero). Two important considerations for appropriate shift conditions

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