(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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ADM evolutionsStill newer formulations: towards a stable evolution system 371The ADM system of evolution equations is often solv<strong>ed</strong> using some variationof the leapfrog method, similar to that describ<strong>ed</strong> in [59]. The most extensivelytest<strong>ed</strong> is the ‘stagger<strong>ed</strong> leapfrog’, detail<strong>ed</strong> in axisymmetric cases in [59] and in 3Din [45], but other successful versions include full leapfrog implementations us<strong>ed</strong>in 3D by [60] and [34]. For the ADM system, the basic strategy is to use centr<strong>ed</strong>spatial differences everywhere, march forward according to some explicit timescheme, and hope for the best! Generally, this technique has work<strong>ed</strong> surprisinglywell until large gradients are encounter<strong>ed</strong>, at which time the methods often breakdown. The problem is that the equations in this ADM form are difficult to analyse,and hence ad hoc numerical schemes are often tri<strong>ed</strong> without detail<strong>ed</strong> knowl<strong>ed</strong>geof how to treat specific terms in the equations, or how to treat instabilities whenthey arise. A recent development is that of the ‘delous<strong>ed</strong>’ leapfrog, which amountsto filtering the solution [61].Also recently, the iterative Crank–Nicholson (ICN) scheme has been foundeffective in suppressing some instabilities that occur [62–64]. ICN is an iterative,explicit version of the standard implicit Crank–Nicholson (CN) scheme [61, 65].The idea behind this method is to solve the implicit equations by an iterativeproc<strong>ed</strong>ure, where each iteration is an explicit operation depending only onpreviously comput<strong>ed</strong> data. Normally, this process is stopp<strong>ed</strong> after a certainnumber of iterations, or until some tolerance is achiev<strong>ed</strong>. For a linear equation(and, in particular, in one dimension), the iterative proc<strong>ed</strong>ure can easily be muchmore computationally expensive than the matrix inversion requir<strong>ed</strong> to solve theoriginal implicit scheme. For a nonlinear system, however, solving the implicitscheme directly can prove to be extremely difficult.The stability properties of the ICN scheme have been studi<strong>ed</strong>, with theseimportant results.• In order to obtain a stable scheme one must do at least three iterations, andnot just the two one would normally expect (two iterations are enough toachieve second-order accuracy, but they are unstable!).• The iterative scheme itself is only convergent if the standard Courant–Fri<strong>ed</strong>richs–Lewy (CFL) stability condition is satisfi<strong>ed</strong>, otherwise theiterations diverge.These two results taken together imply that there is no reason (at least fromthe point of view of stability) to ever do more that three ICN iterations. Threeiterations are already second-order accurate, and provide us with a (conditionally)stable scheme. Increasing the number of iterations will not improve the stabilityproperties of the scheme any further. In particular, we will never achieve theunconditional stability properties of the full implicit CN scheme, since if weviolate the CFL condition the iterations will diverge.

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