(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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370 Numerical relativityThe Palma, Potsdam and Wash U groups also show<strong>ed</strong> that these newformulations lead to much more stable black hole evolutions as well. Whilestandard ADM formulations can evolve black holes very accurately for a shortperiod of time, as describ<strong>ed</strong> above, large peaks in metric functions caus<strong>ed</strong> by socall<strong>ed</strong>‘grid-stretching’ develop instabilities, which cause the codes to crash fartoo soon to study orbits of black holes. The new formulations can significantlyextend the evolution times (by factors of two or much more) that can be achiev<strong>ed</strong>.In all cases, the evolutions are convergent, but seem to have larger error than thestandard ADM or Bona–Massó system. These effects were recently analys<strong>ed</strong> in apaper by Alcubierre et al [52]. We are now in the process of applying these newformulations to a series of interesting spacetimes, including pure gravitational<strong>waves</strong>, black holes, and neutron stars, some results of which are report<strong>ed</strong> below.In this and a companion paper [52] we focus on an alternative approach bas<strong>ed</strong>on a conformal decomposition of the metric and the trace-free components ofthe extrinsic curvature. The conformal-tracefree (CT) approach was first devis<strong>ed</strong>by Nakamura in the 1980s in 3D calculations [22, 53], and then modifi<strong>ed</strong> andappli<strong>ed</strong> to work on gravitational <strong>waves</strong> [49], and on neutron stars [9, 54]. Thisapproach was not taken up by others in the community until a recent paper byBaumgarte and Shapiro [48], where a similar formulation was compar<strong>ed</strong> with thestandard ADM approach and shown to be superior, in terms of both accuracy andstability, on tests involving weak gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, with geodesic and harmonicslicing. In a follow-up paper, Baumgarte, Hughes, and Shapiro [55] appli<strong>ed</strong> thesame formulation to systems with given (analytically prescrib<strong>ed</strong>) matter sources,and found similar stability properties. More recently fully hydrodynamicalsimulations employing the CT approach have been report<strong>ed</strong> in [56–58] in thecontext of collapse of rapidly-rotating (isolat<strong>ed</strong>) neutron stars and coalescenceand merge of binary neutron stars.In the companion paper [52] we perform an analytic investigation of thestability properties of the ADM and the CT evolution equations. Using alineariz<strong>ed</strong> plane wave analysis, we identify features of the equations that webelieve are responsible for the difference in their stability properties. Numerical techniques for the evolution equationsMost of what has been attempt<strong>ed</strong> in numerical relativity evolution schemes is builton explicit finite difference schemes. Implicit and iterative evolution schemeshave been occasionally attempt<strong>ed</strong>, but the extra cost associat<strong>ed</strong> has made themless popular. We now describe the basic approach that has been tri<strong>ed</strong> for boththe standard ADM formulation and more recent hyperbolic formulations of theequations.

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