(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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366 Numerical relativityHere we have introduc<strong>ed</strong> the 3D spatial covariant derivative operator D aassociat<strong>ed</strong> with the 3-metric γ ab (i.e. D a γ bc = 0), and the 3D scalar curvatureR comput<strong>ed</strong> from γ ab . These four constraint equations can be us<strong>ed</strong> to determineinitial data for γ ab and K ab , which are to be evolv<strong>ed</strong> with the evolution equationsdiscuss<strong>ed</strong> below. These equations (18.2) and (18.3) are referr<strong>ed</strong> to as constraintsbecause, as in the case of electrodynamics, they contain no time derivatives of thefundamental fields γ ab and K ab , and hence do not propagate the solution in time.Next, we will sketch the standard method for obtaining a solution to theseconstraint equations. We follow York and coworkers (e.g., [20]) by writing the3-metric and extrinsic curvature in ‘conformal form’, and also make use of thesimplifying assumption tr K = 0 which causes the Hamiltonian and momentumconstraints to completely decouple (note that actually the equations decoupl<strong>ed</strong>with tr K = constant but we will discuss only the simplest case here). We writeγ ab = 4 ˆγ ab , K ab = −2 ˆK ab , (18.5)where ˆγ ab and the transverse-tracefree part of ˆK ab is regard<strong>ed</strong> as given, i.e. chosento represent the physical system that we want to study. Under the conformaltransformation, with tr K = 0wefind that the momentum constraint becomesˆD b ˆK ab = 0, (18.6)where ˆD a is the 3D covariant derivative associat<strong>ed</strong> with ˆγ ab (i.e. ˆD a ˆγ ab = 0).In vacuum, black hole spacetimes ˆK ab can often be solv<strong>ed</strong> analytically. Formore details on how to solve the momentum constraints in complicat<strong>ed</strong> situations,see [10, 21, 22].The remaining unknown function , must satisfy the Hamiltonianconstraint. The conformal transformation of the scalar curvature isR = −4 ˆR − 8 −5 ˆ, (18.7)where ˆ = ˆγ ab ˆD a ˆD b and ˆR is the scalar curvature of the known metric ˆγ ab .Plugging this back into the Hamiltonian constraint and dividing through by−8 −5 , we obtainˆ − 1 8 ˆR + 1 8 −7 ( ˆK ab ˆK ab ) = 0, (18.8)an elliptic equation for the conformal factor .To summarize, one first specifies ˆγ ab and the transverse-tracefree part ofˆK ab ‘at will’, choosing them to be something ‘closest’ to the spacetime onewants to study. Then one solves (18.6) for the conformal extrinsic curvatureˆK ab . Finally, (18.8) is solv<strong>ed</strong> for the conformal factor , so the full solution γ aband K ab can be reconstruct<strong>ed</strong>. In this process the elliptic equations are solv<strong>ed</strong>by standard techniques, for example, the conjugate gradient [23] or multigridmethods [24]. In situations where there is a black hole singularity, there couldbe add<strong>ed</strong> complications in solving the elliptic equations, and special treatments

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