(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Einstein equations for relativity 365on either characteristic, or null foliations of spacetime [11], or on asymptoticallynull slices of spacetime [12–15].18.2.1 Constraint equationsThe constraints can be consider<strong>ed</strong> as the relativistic generalization of the Poissonequation of Newtonian gravity, but instead of a single linear elliptic equationthere are now four, coupl<strong>ed</strong>, highly nonlinear elliptic equations, known as theHamiltonian and momentum constraints. Under certain conditions, the equationsdecouple and can be solv<strong>ed</strong> independently and more easily, and this is how theyhave usually been treat<strong>ed</strong>. Recently, techniques have been develop<strong>ed</strong> that allowone to solve the constraints in a more general setting, without making restrictiveassumptions that lead to decoupling [16–19]. In such a system the four constraintequations are solv<strong>ed</strong> simultaneously. This may prove useful in generating newclasses of initial data. However, at present there is no satisfactory algorithm forcontrolling the physics content of the data generat<strong>ed</strong>. The major remaining workin this direction is to develop a scheme that is capable of constructing the initialdata that describe a given physical system. That is, although we have schemesavailable to solve many variations on the initial value problem, it is difficult tospecify in advance, for example, what are the precise spins and momenta of twoblack holes in orbit, or even if the holes are in orbit. This can generally only b<strong>ed</strong>etermin<strong>ed</strong> after the equations have been solv<strong>ed</strong> and analys<strong>ed</strong>.The elliptic operators for these equations are usually symmetric, but they areotherwise the most general type, with all first and mix<strong>ed</strong> second derivative termspresent. The boundary conditions, which can break the symmetry, are usuallylinear conditions that involve derivatives of the fields being solv<strong>ed</strong>. In any case,once the initial value equations have been solv<strong>ed</strong>, initial data for the evolutionproblem result.We illustrate the central idea of constructing initial data with vacuumspacetimes for simplicity. The application of the algorithm present<strong>ed</strong> here to ageneral spacetime with matter source is currently routine in numerical relativity.The full 4D Einstein equations can be decompos<strong>ed</strong> into six evolution equationsand four constraint equations. The constraints may be subdivid<strong>ed</strong>, in turn, intoone Hamiltonian (or energy) constraint equation,R + (tr K ) 2 − K ab K ab = 0, (18.2)and three momentum constraint equations (or one vector equation),D b (K ab − γ ab tr K ) = 0. (18.3)In these equations K ab is the extrinsic curvature of the slice, relat<strong>ed</strong> to the tim<strong>ed</strong>erivative of γ ab byK ab =− 12α (∂ t γ ab − D a β b − D b β a ). (18.4)

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