(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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354 Post-Newtonian computation of binary inspiral waveformsThe superscript (n) denotes n time derivations. The quadrupole moment M ijentering this formula is closely relat<strong>ed</strong> to the source quadrupole I ij ,M ij = I ij + 2G( )3c 5 {K (3) I ij − K (2) I (1) 1ij}+Oc 7 , (17.74)where K is the Newtonian moment of inertia (see equation (4.24) in [27]; weare using here a mass-centr<strong>ed</strong> frame so that the mass-dipole moment I i is zero).The Newtonian term in (17.73) corresponds to the quadrupole formalism. Next,there is a quadratic nonlinear correction term with multipole interaction M × M ijwhich represents the effect of tails of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> (scattering of linear<strong>waves</strong> off the spacetime curvature generat<strong>ed</strong> by the mass M). This correction isof order 1/c 3 or 1.5PN and takes the form of a non-local integral with logarithmickernel [30]. It is responsible notably for the term proportional to πτ 1/4 in theformula for the phase (17.87) below. The next correction, of order 1/c 5 or2.5PN, is constitut<strong>ed</strong> by quadratic interactions between two mass-quadrupoles,and between a mass-quadrupole and the constant current dipole [12]. This termcontains also a non-local integral, which is due to the radiation of gravitational<strong>waves</strong> by the distribution of the stress–energy of linear <strong>waves</strong> [12,30–32]. Finally,at the 3PN order in (17.73) the first cubic nonlinear interaction appears, which isof the type (M × M × M ij ) and corresponds to the tails generat<strong>ed</strong> by the tailsthemselves [13].17.6 Inspiral binary waveformTo conclude, let us give (without proof) the result for the two polarizationwaveforms h + (t) and h × (t) of the inspiralling compact binary develop<strong>ed</strong> to 2PNorder in the amplitude and to 2.5PN order in the phase. The calculation wasdone by Blanchet, Damour, Iyer, Will and Wiseman [15, 25–27, 33], bas<strong>ed</strong> on theformalism review<strong>ed</strong> in section 17.5 and, independently, on that defin<strong>ed</strong> in [15].Following [33] we present the polarization waveforms in a form which is ready foruse in the data analysis of binary inspirals in the detectors VIRGO and LIGO (theanalysis will be bas<strong>ed</strong> on the optimal filtering technique review<strong>ed</strong> in section 17.2).We find, extending the Newtonian formulae in section 17.3,h +,× = 2Gµc 2 R( Gmωc 3 ) 2/3×{H +,× (0) + x 1/2 H (1/2)+,× + xH(1) +,× + x 3/2 H (3/2)+,× + x 2 H +,× (2) }, (17.75)where the various post-Newtonian terms, order<strong>ed</strong> by x, are given for the pluspolarization byH (0)+ =−(1 + c2 iH (1/2)+ =− s i8) cos 2ψ, (17.76)δmm [(5 + c2 i ) cos ψ − 9(1 + c2 i ) cos 3ψ], (17.77)

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