(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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348 Post-Newtonian computation of binary inspiral waveformsa factor in the quadrupole formula (17.41).) On the other hand, we find that Ereads simplyE =− 1 2 µc2 x. (17.49)Next we replace (17.47) and (17.49) into the balance equation (17.39), and findin this way an ordinary differential equation which is easily integrat<strong>ed</strong> for theunknown x. We introduce for later convenience the dimensionless time variableτ = c3 ν5Gm (t c − t), (17.50)where t c is a constant of integration. Then the solution readsx(t) = 1 4 τ −1/4 . (17.51)It is clear that t c represents the instant of coalescence, at which (by definition)the orbital frequency diverges to infinity. Then a further integration yieldsφ = ∫ ω dt =−ν5 ∫ x 2/3 dτ, and we get the look<strong>ed</strong> for resultφ c − φ(t) = 1 ν τ 5/8 , (17.52)where φ c denotes the constant phase at the instant of coalescence. It is oftenuseful to consider the number Æ of gravitational-wave cycles which are left untilthe final coalescence starting from some frequency ω:Æ = φ c − φπ= 132πν x −5/2 . (17.53)As we see the post-Newtonian order of magnitude of Æ is c +5 , that is the inverseof the order c −5 of radiation reaction effects. As a matter of fact, Æ is a largenumber, approximately equal to 1.6×10 4 in the case of two neutron stars between10 and 1000 Hz (roughly the frequency bandwidth of the detector VIRGO). Dataanalysts of detectors have estimat<strong>ed</strong> that, in order not to suffer a too severer<strong>ed</strong>uction of signal to noise, one should monitor the phase evolution with anaccuracy comparable to one gravitational-wave cycle (i.e. δÆ ∼ 1) or better.Now it is clear, from a post-Newtonian point of view, that since the ‘Newtonian’number of cycles given by (17.53) is formally of order c +5 , any post-Newtoniancorrection therein which is larger than order c −5 is expect<strong>ed</strong> to contribute to thephase evolution more than that allow<strong>ed</strong> by the previous estimate. Therefore, oneexpects that in order to construct accurate templates it will be necessary to includeinto the phase the post-Newtonian corrections up to at least the 2.5PN or 1/c 5order. This expectation has been confirm<strong>ed</strong> by various studies [21–24] whichshow<strong>ed</strong> that in advanc<strong>ed</strong> detectors the 2.5PN or, better, the 3PN approximation isrequir<strong>ed</strong> in the case of inspiralling neutron star binaries. Notice that 3PN heremeans 3PN in the centre-of-mass energy E, which is d<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> from the 3PNequations of motion, as well as in the total flux Ä, which is comput<strong>ed</strong> from a 3PNwave-generation formalism. For the moment the phase has been complet<strong>ed</strong> to the2.5PN order [15, 25–27]; the 3PN order is still incomplete (but, see [13, 28, 29]).

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