(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Newtonian binary polarization waveforms 343Thus, the matrix ab (the inverse of (17.16)) is the matrix of variances andcorrelation coefficients, or covariance matrix, of the variables δλ a . Theprobability distribution of δλ a reads asP(δλ a ) ={1√(2π) N+1 det exp − 1 }2 abδλ a δλ b , (17.18)where det is the determinant of ab . A similar analysis can be done for themeasurement of the amplitude parameter A of the signal.17.3 Newtonian binary polarization waveformsThe source of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> is a binary system made of two point-massesmoving on a circular orbit. We assume that the masses do not possess any intrinsicspins, so that the motion of the binary takes place in a plane. To simplify thepresentation we suppose that the centre of mass of the binary is at rest with respectto the detector. The detector is a large-scale laser-interferometric detector likeVIRGO or LIGO, with two perpendicular arms (with length 3 km in the caseof VIRGO). The two laser beams inside the arms are separat<strong>ed</strong> by the beamsplitterwhich defines the central point of the interferometer. We introduce anorthonormal right-hand<strong>ed</strong> triad ( X, Y , Z) link<strong>ed</strong> with the detector, with X andY pointing along the two arms of the interferometer, and Z pointing toward thezenithal direction. We denote by n the direction of the detector as seen from thesource, that is, −n is defin<strong>ed</strong> as the unit vector pointing from the centre of theinterferometer to the binary’s centre of mass. We introduce some spherical anglesα and β such that−n = X sin α cos β + Y sin α sin β + Z cos α. (17.19)Thus, the plane β = constant defines the plane which is vertical, as seen fromthe detector, and which contains the source. Next, we introduce an orthonormalright-hand<strong>ed</strong> triad ( x, y, z) which is link<strong>ed</strong> to the binary’s orbit, with x and ylocat<strong>ed</strong> in the orbital plane, and z along the normal to the orbital plane. Thevector x is chosen to be perpendicular to n; thus, n is within the plane form<strong>ed</strong>by y and z. The orientation of this triad is ‘right-hand’ with respect to the senseof motion. We denote by i the inclination angle, namely the angle between th<strong>ed</strong>irection of the source or line-of-sight n and the normal z to the orbital plane.Since z is right-hand<strong>ed</strong> with respect to the sense of motion we have 0 ≤ i ≤ π.Furthermore, we define two unit vectors p and q, call<strong>ed</strong> the polarization vectors,in the plane orthogonal to n (or plane of the sky). We choose p = x and define qin such a way that the triad (n, p, q) is right-hand<strong>ed</strong>; thusn = y sin i + z cos i, (17.20)p = x, (17.21)q = y cos i − z sin i. (17.22)

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