(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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342 Post-Newtonian computation of binary inspiral waveformswhere A denotes some amplitude parameter. The function ˜k depends only onthe other parameters, collectively denot<strong>ed</strong> by λ a where the label a ranges on thevalues 1,...,N. The family of match<strong>ed</strong> filters (or ‘templates’) we consider isdefin<strong>ed</strong> by˜q(ω; t λ a ) = γ ′ ˜k(ω; t λ a ), (17.11)S n (ω)where t λ a is a set of test parameters, assum<strong>ed</strong> to be all independent, and γ ′ isarbitrary. By substituting (17.11) into (17.5) and choosing t = 0, we get, with thenotation of (17.9),〈o, k( t λ)〉σ( t λ) =. (17.12)〈k( t λ), k( t λ)〉 1/2(Note that σ is in fact a function of both the parameters λ a and t λ a .) Nowthe experimenters choose as their best estimate of the source parametersλ a the measur<strong>ed</strong> parameters m λ a which among all the test parameters t λ a(independently) maximize (17.12), i.e. which satisfy∂σ( m λ) = 0, a = 1,...,N. (17.13)∂ t λ aAssuming that the signal to noise is high enough, we can work out (17.13) upto the first order in the difference between the actual source parameters and themeasur<strong>ed</strong> ones,δλ a = λ a − m λ a . (17.14)As a result, we obtain{δλ a = ab −〈n, ∂h}〈n, h〉 ∂h〉+ 〈h, 〉 , (17.15)∂λ b 〈h, h〉 ∂λ bwhere a summation is understood on the dummy label b, and where the matrix ab (with a, b = 1,...,N) is the inverse of the Fisher information matrix〈 ∂h ab = , ∂h 〉− 1 〈h, ∂h 〉〈h, ∂h 〉(17.16)∂λ a ∂λ b 〈h, h〉 ∂λ a ∂λ b(we have ab bc = δ ac ). On the right-hand sides of (17.15) and (17.16), thesignal is equally (with this approximation) parametriz<strong>ed</strong> by the measur<strong>ed</strong> or actualparameters. Since the noise is Gaussian, so are, by (17.15), the variables δλ a(inde<strong>ed</strong>, δλ a result from a linear operation on the noise variable). The expectationvalue and quadratic moments of the distribution of these variables are readilyobtain<strong>ed</strong> from the facts that 〈n, f 〉 = 0 and 〈n, f 〉〈n, g〉 = 〈f, g〉 for anydeterministic functions f and g (see (17.2) and (17.3)). We then obtainδλ a = 0,δλ a δλ b = ab . (17.17)

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