(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Summary of optimal signal filtering 341where õ(ω) and ˜q(ω) are the Fourier transforms of o(t) and q(t). The expectationvalue (or ensemble average) of this ratio defines the filter<strong>ed</strong> signal-to-noise ratioρ[q](t) = σ [q](t) =∫ +∞−∞ 2π dω ˜h(ω) ˜q ∗ (ω)e iωt( ∫ ) +∞1/2. (17.6)−∞ 2π dω S n(ω)|˜q(ω)| 2The optimal filter (or Wiener filter) which maximizes the signal-to-noise (17.6) ata particular instant t = 0 (say), is given by the match<strong>ed</strong> filtering theorem as˜q(ω) = γ ˜h(ω)S n (ω) , (17.7)where γ is an arbitrary real constant. The optimal filter (17.7) is match<strong>ed</strong> on theexpect<strong>ed</strong> signal ˜h(ω) itself, and weight<strong>ed</strong> by the inverse of the power spectraldensity of the noise. The maximum signal to noise, corresponding to the optimalfilter (17.7), is given by( ∫ +∞ρ =−∞dω2π| ˜h(ω)| 2 ) 1/2=〈h, h〉 1/2 . (17.8)S n (ω)This is the best achievable signal-to-noise ratio with a linear filter. In (17.8), wehave us<strong>ed</strong>, for any two real functions f (t) and g(t), the notation〈 f, g〉 =∫ +∞−∞dω2π˜ f (ω) ˜g ∗ (ω)S n (ω)(17.9)for an inner scalar product satisfying 〈 f, g〉 =〈f, g〉 ∗ =〈g, f 〉.In practice, the signal h(t) or ˜h(ω) is of known form (given, for instance,by (17.27)–(17.32) later) but depends on an unknown set of parameters whichdescribe the source of radiation, and are to be measur<strong>ed</strong>. The experimenters musttherefore use a whole family of filters analogous to (17.7) but in which the signalis parametriz<strong>ed</strong> by a whole family of ‘test’ parameters which are a priori differentfrom the actual source parameters. Thus, one will have to define and use a latticeof filters in the parameter space. The set of parameters maximizing the signalto noise (17.6) is equal, by the match<strong>ed</strong> filtering theorem, to the set of sourceparameters. However, in a single detector, the experimenters maximize the ratio(17.5) rather than the signal to noise (17.6), and therefore make errors on th<strong>ed</strong>etermination of the parameters, depending on a particular realization of noise inthe detector. If the signal-to-noise ratio is high enough, the measur<strong>ed</strong> values of theparameters are Gaussian distribut<strong>ed</strong> around the source parameters, with variancesand correlation coefficients given by the covariance matrix, the computation ofwhich we now recall. Since the optimal filter (17.7) is defin<strong>ed</strong> up to an arbitrarymultiplicative constant, it is convenient to treat separately a constant amplitudeparameter in front of the signal (involving, in general, the distance of the source).We shall thus write the signal in the form˜h(ω; A,λ a ) = A ˜k(ω; λ a ), (17.10)

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