(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Introduction 339breaks down at this point, and is to be replac<strong>ed</strong> by a fully relativistic numericalcomputation of the plunge and merger (see the contribution of E Seidel in thisvolume).Currently the theoretical pr<strong>ed</strong>iction from general relativity for thegravitational <strong>waves</strong> emitt<strong>ed</strong> during the inspiral phase is determin<strong>ed</strong> using thepost-Newtonian approximation (see [4, 5] for reviews). This is possible becausethe dynamics of inspiralling compact binaries, though very relativistic, is notfully relativistic: the orbital velocity v is always less than one third of c (say).However, because 1/3 is far from negligible as compar<strong>ed</strong> to 1, the gravitationalradiationwaveform should be pr<strong>ed</strong>ict<strong>ed</strong> up to a high post-Newtonian order. Inparticular, the radiation reaction onto the orbit, which triggers the inspiral, is to b<strong>ed</strong>etermin<strong>ed</strong> with the maximal precision, corresponding to at least the second andmaybe the third post-Newtonian (3PN, or 1/c 6 ) order [6,7]. Notice that the zerothorder in this post-Newtonian counting corresponds to the dominant radiationreaction force (already of the order of 2.5PN relative to the Newtonian force),which is due to the change in the quadrupole moment of the source. Actually, themethod is not to compute directly the radiation reaction force but to determinethe inspiral rate from the energy balance equation relating the mechanical loss ofenergy in the binary’s centre of mass to the total emitt<strong>ed</strong> flux at infinity.The implement<strong>ed</strong> strategy is to develop a formalism for the emission andpropagation of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> from a general isolat<strong>ed</strong> system, and only then,once some general formulae valid to some prescrib<strong>ed</strong> post-Newtonian order arein our hands, to apply the formalism to compact binaries. Hence, we consider inthis paper a particular formalism applicable to a general description of matter,under the tenet of validity of the post-Newtonian expansion, namely that thematter should be slowly moving, weakly stress<strong>ed</strong> and self-gravitating. Within thisformalism we compute the retard<strong>ed</strong> far field of the source by means of a formalpost-Minkowskian expansion, valid in the exterior of the source, and parametriz<strong>ed</strong>by some appropriately defin<strong>ed</strong> multipole moments describing the source. Fromthe post-Minkowskian expansion we obtain a relation (correct up to the prescrib<strong>ed</strong>post-Newtonian order) between the radiative multipole moments parametrizingthe metric field at infinity, and the source multipole moments. On the other hand,the source multipole moments are obtain<strong>ed</strong> as some specific integrals extendingover the distribution of matter fields in the source and the contribution of thegravitational field itself. The source moments are comput<strong>ed</strong> separately up tothe same post-Newtonian order. The latter formalism has been develop<strong>ed</strong> byBlanchet, Damour and Iyer [8–14]. More recently, a different formalism hasbeen propos<strong>ed</strong> and implement<strong>ed</strong> by Will and Wiseman [15] (see also [16, 17]).The two formalisms are equivalent at the most general level, but the details of thecomputations are quite far apart. In the second stage, one applies the formalismto a system of point-particles (modelling compact objects) by substituting for thematter stress–energy tensor that expression, involving delta-functions, which isappropriate for point-particles. This entails some divergencies due to the infiniteself-field of point-particles. Our present method is to cure them systematically

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