(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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322 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmologyUnfortunately, each term in the action, at each loop order, is multipli<strong>ed</strong> bya dilaton ‘form factor’ which is different in general for different fields andfor different orders. This difference can lead to an effective violation of theuniversality of the gravitational interactions [85] in the low-energy, macroscopicregime, and this violation can be reconcil<strong>ed</strong> with the present tests of theequivalence principle only if the dilaton is massive enough, to make short enoughthe range of the non-universal dilatonic interactions.The tree-level relation (16.136) is valid also for a higher-dimensionaleffective action, provid<strong>ed</strong> e φ represents the shift<strong>ed</strong> four-dimensional dilatonwhich includes the volume of the extra-dimensional, compact internal space, andwhich controls the grand-unification gauge coupling, α GUT , as [13]α GUT = exp〈φ〉 =(M s /M p ) 2 ∼ 0.1–0.001. (16.138)However, the relation (16.136) is no longer valid, in general, if the gaugeinteractions are confin<strong>ed</strong> in four dimensions and only gravity propagates in theextra dimensions. In that case the relation depends on the volume of the extradimensions, whose size may be allow<strong>ed</strong> to be large in Planck units [86]. Forinternal dimensions of volume V n the relation becomes, in particular,M 2 p = M2+n s V n e − , (16.139)where is the dilaton in d = 3 + n dimensions. In this case, the string massparameter could be much smaller than the value expect<strong>ed</strong> from equation (16.138),provid<strong>ed</strong> the internal volume is correspondingly larger.Appendix B. Duality symmetryNotations and conventionsIn this paper we use the metric signature (+−−−), and we define the Riemannand Ricci tensor as follows:R β µνα = ∂ µ Ɣ β να + Ɣ β µρ Ɣ ρ να − (µ ↔ ν),R να = R µ µνα .Consider the gravidilaton effective action, in the S-frame, to lowest order inα ′ and in the quantum loop expansion:S =− 1 ∫2λ d−1 d d+1 x √ |g|e −φ [R + (∇φ) 2 ]. (16.140)sFor a homogeneous, but anisotropic, Bianchi I type metric background:φ = φ(t), g 00 = N 2 (t), g ij =−a 2 i (t)δ ij, (16.141)

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