(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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320 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmologyThis term violates, at one loop, the conformal invariance, unless we restrict to abackground geometry satisfying the conditionR µν = 0, (16.128)which are just the usual Einstein equations in vacuum.A similar proc<strong>ed</strong>ure can be appli<strong>ed</strong> if the string moves in a richer externalbackground (not only pure gravity). Inde<strong>ed</strong>, pure gravity is not enough, as aconsistent quantum theory for clos<strong>ed</strong> bosonic strings, for instance, must containat least three massless states (besides the unphysical tachyon, remov<strong>ed</strong> bysupersymmetry) in the lowest energy level: the graviton, the scalar dilaton andthe pseudoscalar Kalb–Ramond axion. The σ -model describing the propagationof a string in such a background must thus contain the coupling to the metric, tothe dilaton φ, and to the two-form B µν =−B νµ :S =− 1 ∫4πα ′ d 2 ξ∂ i x µ ∂ j x ν ( √ −γγ ij g µν + ɛ ij B µν )− 1 ∫d 2 ξ √ −γ φ 4π2 R(2) (γ ), (16.129)where ɛ ij is the two-dimensional Levi-Civita tensor density, ɛ 12 =−ɛ 21 = 1, andR (2) (γ ) is the two-dimensional scalar curvature for the world sheet metric γ . Thecondition of conformal invariance, at the one-loop level, leads to the equationsR µν +∇ µ ∇ ν − 1 4 H µαβ H αβ ν = 0, H µνα = ∂ µ B να + ∂ ν B αµ + ∂ α B µν ,R + 2∇ 2 φ − (∇φ) 2 −12 1 H µνα 2 = 0,∇ µ (e −φ H µνα ) = 0, (16.130)which can be obtain<strong>ed</strong> by extremizing the effective actionS =− 1 ∫2λ d−1 sd d+1 x √ [|g|e −φ R + (∇φ) 2 − 1 ]12 H µνα2(16.131)(see appendix C).It should be not<strong>ed</strong> that the inclusion of the dilaton in the condition ofconformal invariance cannot be avoid<strong>ed</strong>, since the dilaton coupling in the action(16.129) breaks conformal invariance already at the classical level ( √ −γ R (2) isnot invariant under a Weyl rescaling of γ ). However, the dilaton term is of orderα ′ with respect to the other terms of the action (for dimensional reasons), so thatit is correct to sum up the classical dilaton contribution to the quantum, one-loopeffects, as they are all of the same order in α ′ . Without the dilaton, however, theworld sheet curvature density √ −γ R (2) does not contribute to the string equationsof motion, as it is a pure Eulero two-form in two dimensions (just like the Gauss–Bonnet term in four dimensions).

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