(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Appendix A. The string effective action 319Let us formally assume a deformation of the number of world sheet dimensions,from 2 to 2 + ɛ, and perform the conformal transformation: η ij → η ij exp(ρ).Expanding we get, for small ɛ,− 14πα ′ ∫= − 14πα ′ ∫d 2+ɛ ξ e ρɛ/2 ∂ i x µ ∂ i x ν g µνd 2+ɛ ξ∂ i x µ ∂ i x ν g µν(1 + ɛ 2 ρ +···). (16.123)For ɛ → 0 the ρ dependence disappears and the classical action isconformally invariant. In order to preserve this invariance also for the quantumtheory, at the one-loop level, let us treat the σ -model as a quantum field theoryfor x µ (σ, τ), and let us consider the quantum fluctuations ˆx µ around a givenexpectation value x µ 0. For the general reparametrization invariance of the theorywe can always choose for x 0 a locally inertial frame, such that g µν (x 0 ) = η µν .By expanding the metric around x 0 , the leading corrections are of second orderin the fluctuations, because in a locally inertial frame the first derivatives of themetric (and then the Cristoffel connection) can always be set to zero (but not thecurvature). With an appropriate choice of coordinates, call<strong>ed</strong> Riemann normalcoordinates, the metric can thus be expand<strong>ed</strong> as:g µν (x) = η µν − 1 3 R µναβ(x 0 ) ˆx α ˆx β +··· (16.124)and the action for the quantum fluctuations becomes, to lowest order in thecurvature,S =− 1 ∫4πα ′ d 2+ɛ ξ[∂ i ˆx µ ∂ i ˆx µ(1 + ɛ )2 ρ− 1 ( 3 ∂ i ˆx µ ∂ i ˆx ν R µναβ (x 0 ) ˆx α ˆx β 1 + ɛ ) ]2 ρ +··· . (16.125)It must be not<strong>ed</strong> that, at the quantum level, the dependence of ρ does notdisappear in general from the action in the limit ɛ → 0, since there are oneloopterms that diverge like ɛ −1 , just to cancel the ɛ dependence and to give acontribution proportional to ρ to the effective action. By evaluating, for instance,the two-point function for the quantum operator ˆx α ˆx β , in the coincidence limitσ → σ ′ (the tadpole graph), one obtains [83]〈ˆx α (σ ) ˆx β (σ ′ )〉 σ →σ ′ ∼ η αβ∫limσ →σ ′d 2+ɛ k eik·(σ−σ ′ )k 2 ∼ η αβ ɛ −1 , (16.126)which gives the one-loop contribution to the action∫S ∼ d 2+ɛ ξ∂ i ˆx µ ∂ i ˆx ν R µν ρ. (16.127)

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