(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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20 Elements of gravitational <strong>waves</strong>In the second case, the geodesic deviation equation is not useful becausewe have to abandon the ‘local mathematics’ of geodesic deviation and return tothe ‘global mathematics’ of the TT gauge and metric components h TT αβ . Spacebas<strong>ed</strong>interferometers like LISA, accurate ranging to solar-system spacecraft andpulsar timing are all in this class. Together with ground interferometers, these arebeam detectors: they use light (or radio <strong>waves</strong>) to register the <strong>waves</strong>.To study these detectors, it is easiest to remain in the TT gauge and tocalculate the effect of the <strong>waves</strong> on the (coordinate) spe<strong>ed</strong> of light. Let usconsider, for example, the ⊕ metric from equation (2.10) and examine a nullgeodesic moving in the x-direction. The spe<strong>ed</strong> along this curve is:( dxdt) 2=11 + h +. (2.15)This is only a coordinate spe<strong>ed</strong>, not a contradiction to special relativity.To analyse the way in which detectors work, suppose one arm of aninterferometer lies along the x-direction and the wave, for simplicity, is movingin the z-direction with a ⊕ polarization of any waveform h + (t) along this axis (itis a plane wave, so its waveform does not depend on x). Then a photon emitt<strong>ed</strong> attime t from the origin reaches the other end, at a fix<strong>ed</strong> coordinate position x = L,at the coordinate time∫ L √t far = t + 1 + h+ (t(x)) dx, (2.16)0where the argument t(x) denotes the fact that one must know the time to reachposition x in order to calculate the wave field. This implicit equation can be solv<strong>ed</strong>in lineariz<strong>ed</strong> theory by using the fact that h + is small, so we can use the first-ordersolution of equation (2.15) to calculate h + (t) to sufficient accuracy.To do this we expand the square root in powers of h + , and consider as azero-order solution a photon travelling at the spe<strong>ed</strong> of light in the x-direction of aflat spacetime. We can set t(x) = t + x. The result is:t out = t + L + 1 2∫ L0h + (t + x) dx. (2.17)In an interferometer, the light is reflect<strong>ed</strong> back, so the return trip takes[ ∫ L∫ L]t return = t + L + 1 2h + (t + x) dx + h + (t + x + L) dx . (2.18)0What one monitors is changes in the time taken by a return trip as a function oftime at the origin. If there were no gravitational <strong>waves</strong> t return would be constantbecause L is fix<strong>ed</strong>, so changes indicate a gravitational wave.The rate of variation of the return time as a function of the start time t isdt return= 1 + 1 dt 2 [h +(t + 2L) − h + (t)]. (2.19)0

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