(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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316 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmologySuch sensitivities are not so far from the border, after all, but to get really insidewe have to wait for the cross-correlation of two spherical resonant-mass detectors[81], expect<strong>ed</strong> to reach G ∼ 10 −7 in the kilohertz range, or for the advanc<strong>ed</strong>interferometers, expect<strong>ed</strong> to reach G ∼ 10 −10 in the range of 10 2 Hz. At lowerfrequencies, around 10 −2 –10 −3 Hz, the space interferometer LISA [36] seems tobe able to reach very high sensitivities, up to G ∼ 10 −11 . Work is in progress,however, for a more precise computation of their sensitivity to a cosmic stochasticbackground [82].Detectors able to reach, and to cross the limiting sensitivity (16.111), couldexplore for the first time the parameter space of string cosmology and of Planckscale physics. The detection of a signal from a pre-big bang background,extrapolat<strong>ed</strong> to the gigahertz range, could give a first experimental indication onthe value of the fundamental ratio M s /M p . Even the absence of a signal, insidethe allow<strong>ed</strong> region, would be significant, as we could exclude some portion ofparameter space of the string cosmology models, obtaining in such a way directexperimental information about processes occuring at (or very near to) the stringscale.16.7 ConclusionThe conclusion of these lectures is very short and simple.There is a rich structure of stochastic, gravitational-wave backgrounds, ofcosmological origin, in the frequency range of present (or plann<strong>ed</strong> for the future)gravity-wave detectors.Among such backgrounds, the stronger one seems to be the backgroundpossibly pr<strong>ed</strong>ict<strong>ed</strong> in the context of the pre-big bang scenario, in a stringcosmology context, originating at (or very near to) the fundamental string scale.Also, the maximal pr<strong>ed</strong>ict<strong>ed</strong> intensity of the background seems to be accessibleto the sensitivity of the future advanc<strong>ed</strong> detectors.If this is the case, the future gravity wave detectors will be able to test stringtheory models, or perhaps models referring to some more fundamental unifi<strong>ed</strong>theory, such as D-brane theory, M-theory, and so on. In any case, such detectorswill give direct experimental information on Planck scale physics.Acknowl<strong>ed</strong>gmentsIt is a pleasure to thank the organizers of the Second SIGRAV School, and allthe staff of the Center ‘A. Volta’, in Villa Olmo, for their hospitality and perfectorganization of this interesting School.

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