(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Cosmological perturbation theory 307To give an explicit example we shall consider here a very simple modelconsisting of two cosmological phases, an initial accelerat<strong>ed</strong> evolution up to thetime η 1 , and a subsequent radiation-dominat<strong>ed</strong> evolution for η>η 1 :a ∼ (−η) α , η < η 1 ,a ∼ η, η > η 1 . (16.87)The effective potential for tensor perturbations in the E-frame, |a ′′ /a|, starts fromzero at −∞, grows like η −2 , reaches a maximum ∼ η1 −2 , and vanishes in theradiation phase. We must solve the canonical perturbation equation for ηη 1 . In the first phase the equation r<strong>ed</strong>uces to a Bessel equation:[]ψ k ′′ + k 2 α(α − 1)−η 2 ψ k = 0, (16.88)with general solution [60]ψ k =|η| 1/2 [AH (2)ν (|kη|) + BH (1)ν (|kη|)], ν =|α − 1/2|, (16.89)where H ν(1,2) are the first- and second-kind Hankel functions, of argument kη andindex ν =|α − 1/2| determin<strong>ed</strong> by the kinematics of the background. By usingthe large argument limit of the Hankel functions for η →−∞,H (2)ν (kη) ∼ 1 √ kηe −ikη , H (1)ν (kη) ∼ 1 √ kηe +ikη , (16.90)we choose initially a positive frequency mode, normalizing the solution to avacuum fluctuation spectrum,A = 1/2, B = 0. (16.91)In the second phase V = 0, and we have the free oscillating solution:ψ k = 1 √k(c + e −ikη + c − e +ikη ). (16.92)The matching of ψ and ψ ′ at η = η 1 gives now the coefficients c ± (moreprecisely, the matching would require the continuity of the perturb<strong>ed</strong> metricproject<strong>ed</strong> on a spacelike hypersurface containing η 1 , and the continuity of theextrinsic curvature of that hypersurface [61]; but in many cases these conditionsare equivalent to the continuity of the canonical variable ψ, and of its first tim<strong>ed</strong>erivative).For an approximate determination of the spectrum, which is often sufficientfor practical purposes, it is convenient to distinguish two regimes, in whichthe comoving frequency k is much higher or much lower than the frequencyassociat<strong>ed</strong> to the top of the effective potential barrier, |V (η 1 )| 1/2 ≃ η −11. In the

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