(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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304 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmologyIt is important to stress that there is no ne<strong>ed</strong> to introduce the canonicalvariable to study the classical evolution of perturbations, but that such variableis ne<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong> for the initial normalization to a vacuum fluctuation spectrum. Wecan also normalize perturbation in a different way, of course but in that case weare studying the amplification not of the vacuum fluctuations, but of a differentspectrum [55].At this point, two remarks are in order. The first concerns the frameindependenceof the spectrum. The above proc<strong>ed</strong>ure can also be appli<strong>ed</strong> in theE-frame, to define a canonical variable ˜ψ: one then obatins for ˜ψ k the canonicalequation (16.75), with a pump field that depends only on the metric, ˜z = ã.However, by using the conformal transformation connecting the two frames, itturns out that the two pump fields are the same, ˜z = ã = ae −φ/2 = z, so thatfor ψ and ˜ψ we have the same potential, the same evolution equation, the samesolution, and thus the same spectrum.The second remark is that the canonical proc<strong>ed</strong>ure can be appli<strong>ed</strong> to anyaction, and in particular to the string effective action including higher curvaturecorrections of order α ′ , which can be written as [21]:∫S = d 4 x √ {}−ge −φ −R − ∂ µ φ∂ µ φ + α′4 [R2 GB − (∂ µφ∂ µ φ) 2 ] (16.78)where RGB2 ≡ R2 µναβ − 4R2 µν + R2 is the Gauss–Bonnet invariant (we havechosen a convenient field r<strong>ed</strong>efinition that removes terms with higher-than-secondderivatives from the equations of motion, see appendix A). From the quadraticperturb<strong>ed</strong> action we obtain α ′ corrections to the pump fields. The canonicalequation turns out to be the same as before, but with a k-dependent effectivepotential [54], and such an equation can be us<strong>ed</strong> to estimate the effects of thehigher curvature corrections on the amplification of tensor perturbations. Anumerical integration [54], in which the metric fluctuations are expand<strong>ed</strong> aroundthe high-curvature background solution of [21], leads in particular to the resultsillustrat<strong>ed</strong> in figure 16.6.The qualitative behaviour is similar, both with and without α ′ correctionsin the perturb<strong>ed</strong> equations: the fluctuations are oscillating inside the horizon andfrozen outside the horizon, as usual. However, the final amplitude is enhanc<strong>ed</strong>when α ′ corrections are includ<strong>ed</strong>, and this suggests that the energy spectrum ofthe gravitational radiation, comput<strong>ed</strong> with the low-energy perturbation equation,may represent a sort of lower bound on the total amount of produc<strong>ed</strong> gravitons.16.5.4 Computation of the spectrumThe final, amplifi<strong>ed</strong> perturbation spectrum is to be obtain<strong>ed</strong> from the solutionsof the canonical equation (16.75). In order to solve such an equation wene<strong>ed</strong> explicitly the effective potential V [z(η)] which, in general, vanishesasymptotically at large positive and negative values of the conformal time.Consider, for instance, the tensor perturbation equation in the E-frame, so that

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