(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Cosmological perturbation theory 297it is heavy enough (²10 −4 eV) to be far outside the sensitivity range of resonantgravitational detectors.The rest of this lecture will be devot<strong>ed</strong> to discussing various theoreticaland phenomenological aspects of graviton production, in a general cosmologicalcontext and, in particular, in the context of the pre-big bang scenario. Let us startby recalling some basic notions of cosmological perturbation theory, which arerequir<strong>ed</strong> for the computation of the graviton spectrum.16.5 Cosmological perturbation theoryThe standard approach to cosmological perturbation theory is to start with a setof non-perturb<strong>ed</strong> equations, for instance the Einstein or the string cosmologyequations,G µν = T µν , (16.39)to expand the metric and the matter fields around a given background solution,g µν → g (0)µν + δ(1) g µν , T µν → T (0)µν + δ(1) T µν , G (0)µν = T (0)µν , (16.40)and to obtain, to first order, a lineariz<strong>ed</strong> set of equations describing the classicalevolution of perturbations,δ (1) G µν = δ (1) T µν . (16.41)In principle, the proc<strong>ed</strong>ure is simple and straightforward. In practice, however,we have to go through a series of formal steps, that we list here in ‘chronological’order:• choice of the ‘frame’;• choice of the ‘gauge’;• normalization of the amplitude;• computation of the spectrum.16.5.1 Choice of the frameThe choice of the frame is that of the basic set of fields (metric includ<strong>ed</strong>) us<strong>ed</strong>to parametrize the action. The action, in general, can be express<strong>ed</strong> in terms ofdifferent fields. In string cosmology, for instance, there is a preferr<strong>ed</strong> frame, theS-frame, in which the lowest order gravidilaton action takes the form of (16.20).It is preferr<strong>ed</strong> because the metric appearing in the action is the same as the σ -model metric to which test strings are minimally coupl<strong>ed</strong> (see appendix A): withrespect to this metric, the motion of free strings is then geodesics. It is alwayspossible, however, through the field r<strong>ed</strong>efinition√2˜g µν = g µν e −2φ/(d−1) , ˜φ = φ, (16.42)d − 1

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