(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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292 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmologyAfter integrationand the transform<strong>ed</strong> solution takes the form:t ∼ ˜t d−1d+ √ d , (16.32)ã = (−˜t) 1/d ,e ˜φ = (−˜t) − √ 2(d−1)d, ˜t < 0, ˜t → 0 − . (16.33)One can easily check that this solution describes accelerat<strong>ed</strong> contraction withgrowing dilaton and growing curvature scale:dãd˜t< 0,d 2 ãd˜t 2 < 0,d ˜Hd˜t< 0,d ˜φd˜t> 0. (16.34)The same result applies if we transform other isotropic solutions from the stringto the Einstein frame, for instance the perfect fluid solution of appendix C,equation (16.216). We leave this simple exercise to the interest<strong>ed</strong> reader.Having discuss<strong>ed</strong> the ‘dynamical’ equivalence (in spite of the kinematicaldifferences) of the two classes of string cosmology metrics, IIa and IIb, it seemsappropriate at this point to stress the main dynamical difference between standardinflation, class I metrics, and pre-big bang inflation, class II metrics. Such adifference can be conveniently illustrat<strong>ed</strong> in terms of the proper size of the eventhorizon, relative to a given comoving observer.Consider in fact the proper distance, d e (t), between the surface of the eventhorizon and a comoving observer, at rest at the origin of an isotropic, conformallyflat background [22]:∫ tMd e (t) = a(t) dt ′ a −1 (t ′ ). (16.35)tHere t M is the maximal allow<strong>ed</strong> extension, towards the future, of the cosmic timecoordinate for the given background manifold. The above integral converges forall the above classes of accelerat<strong>ed</strong> (expanding or contracting) scale factors. Inthe case of class I metrics we have, in particular,∫ ∞d e (t) = t β dt ′ t ′−β =tβ − 1 ∼ H −1 (t) (16.36)tfor power-law inflation (β >1, t > 0), and∫ ∞d e (t) = e Ht dt ′ e −Ht′ = H −1 (16.37)for de Sitter inflation. For class II metrics (β

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