(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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290 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmology• Class I: a ∼ t β , β>1, t →+∞. This class of backgrounds correspondsto what is conventionally call<strong>ed</strong> ‘power inflation’, describing a phase ofaccelerat<strong>ed</strong> expansion and decreasing curvature scale, ȧ > 0, ä > 0,Ḣ < 0. This class contains, as a limiting case, the standard de Sitterinflation, β →∞, a ∼ e Ht , Ḣ = 0, i.e. accelerat<strong>ed</strong> exponential expansionat constant curvature.• Class II: a ∼ (−t) β , β < 1, t → 0 − . This is the class of backgroundscorresponding to the string cosmology scenario. There are two possiblesubclasses:IIa: β < 0, describing superinflation, i.e. accelerat<strong>ed</strong> expansion withgrowing curvature scale, ȧ > 0, ä > 0, Ḣ > 0;IIb: 0

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