(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Using the TT gauge to understand gravitational <strong>waves</strong> 17To understand wave propagation we look for the easiest solution of the vacuumgravitational field equations:( )£ ¯h αβ ≡ − ∂2∂t 2 +∇2 ¯h αβ = 0. (2.6)Plane <strong>waves</strong> have the form:¯h αβ = e αβ exp(ik γ x γ ) (2.7)where the amplitude , polarization tensor e αβ and wavevector k γ are allconstants. (As usual one has to take the real part of this expression.)The Einstein equations imply that the wavevector is ‘light-like’, k γ k γ = 0,and the gauge condition implies that the amplitude and the wavevector areorthogonal: e αβ k β = 0.Lineariz<strong>ed</strong> theory describes a classical gravitational field whose quantumdescription would be a massless spin 2 field that propagates at the spe<strong>ed</strong> oflight. We expect from this that such a field will have only two independentdegrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om (helicities in quantum language, polarizations in classicalterms). To show this classically we remember that h αβ is symmetric, so it hasten independent components, and that the Lorentz gauge applies four independentconditions to these, r<strong>ed</strong>ucing the fre<strong>ed</strong>om to six. However, the Lorentz gauge doesnot fully fix the coordinates. In fact if we perform another infinitesimal coordinatetransformation (x µ → x µ + ξ µ with ξ µ ,ν = O(h)) and impose £ξ µ = 0, weremain in Lorentz gauge. We can use this fre<strong>ed</strong>om to demand:e 0α = 0 ⇒ e ij k j = 0 (transverse wave), (2.8)e i i = 0 (traceless wave). (2.9)These conditions can only be appli<strong>ed</strong> outside a sphere surrounding the source.Together they put the metric into the transverse-traceless (TT) gauge. We willexplicitly construct this gauge in chapter 5.2.2 Using the TT gauge to understand gravitational <strong>waves</strong>The TT gauge leaves only two independent polarizations out of the original ten,and it ensures that h αβ = h αβ . In order to understand the polarization degrees offre<strong>ed</strong>om, let us take the wave to move in the z-direction, so that k z = ω, k 0 = ω,k x = 0, k y = 0; the TT gauge conditions in equations (2.8) and (2.9) lead toe 0α = e zα = 0 and e xx =−e yy . This leaves only two independent componentsof the polarization tensor, say e xx and e xy (which we denote by the symbols⊕, ⊗).A wave for which e xy = 0 (pure ⊕ polarization) produces a metric of theform:ds 2 =−dt 2 + (1 + h + ) dx 2 + (1 − h + ) dy 2 + dz 2 , (2.10)

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