(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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284 Elementary introduction to pre-big bang cosmologyTo any standard cosmological solution H (t), describing decelerat<strong>ed</strong> expansionand decreasing curvature (H > 0, Ḣ < 0), is thus associat<strong>ed</strong> with a ‘reflect<strong>ed</strong>’solution, H (−t), describing a contracting universe because H is negative.This is the situation in general relativity. In string theory the action, inaddition to the metric, contains at least another fundamental field, the scalardilaton φ. At the tree-level, namely to lowest order in the string couplingand in the higher-derivatives (α ′ ) string corrections, the effective action whichguarantees the absence of conformal anomalies for the motion of strings in curv<strong>ed</strong>backgrounds (see apppendix A) can be written as:S =− 1 ∫2λ d−1 d d+1 x √ |g|e −φ [R + (∂ µ φ) 2 ] (16.4)s(λ s = Ms−1 is the fundamental string length scale; see appendix B for notationsand sign conventions). In addition to the invariance under time-reversal, the aboveaction is also invariant under the ‘dual’ inversion of the scale factor, accompani<strong>ed</strong>by an appropriate transformation of the dilaton (see [9] and the first paper of [8]).More precisely, if a(t) is a solution for the cosmological background (16.2) , thena −1 (t) is also a solution, provid<strong>ed</strong> the dilaton transforms as:a →ã = a −1 , φ → ˜φ = φ − 2d ln a (16.5)(this transformation implements a particular case of T -duality symmetry, usuallycall<strong>ed</strong> ‘scale factor duality’, see appendix B).When a goes into a −1 , the Hubble parameter H again goes into −H sothat, to each one of the two solutions relat<strong>ed</strong> by time reversal, H (t) and H (−t),is associat<strong>ed</strong> a dual solution, ˜H(t) and ˜H(−t), respectively (see figure 16.2).The space of solutions is thus reach<strong>ed</strong> in a string cosmology context. Inde<strong>ed</strong>,because of the combin<strong>ed</strong> invariance under the transformations (16.3) and (16.5),a cosmological solution has in general four branches: two branches describeexpansion (positive H ), two branches describe contraction (negative H ). Also,as illustrat<strong>ed</strong> in figure 16.2, for two branches the curvature scale (∼ H 2 ) growsin time, with a typical ‘pre-big bang’ behaviour, while for the other two branchesthe curvature scale decreases, with a typical ‘post-big bang’ behaviour.It follows, in this context, that to any given decelerat<strong>ed</strong> expandingsolution, H (t) > 0, with decreasing curvature, Ḣ(t) < 0 (typical of thestandard cosmological scenario), is always associat<strong>ed</strong> a ‘dual partner’ describingaccelerat<strong>ed</strong> expansion, ˜H(−t) >0, and growing curvature,˙˜H(−t) >0. Thisdoubling of solutions has no analogue in the context of Einstein cosmology, wherethere is no dilaton, and the duality symmetry cannot be implement<strong>ed</strong>.It should be stress<strong>ed</strong>, before proce<strong>ed</strong>ing further, that the duality symmetry isnot restrict<strong>ed</strong> to the case of homogeneous and isotropic backgrounds like (16.2),but is expect<strong>ed</strong> to be a general property of the solutions of the string effectiveaction (possibly valid at all orders [10], with the appropriate generalizations).The inversion of the scale factor, in particular, and the associat<strong>ed</strong> transformation

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