(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Introduction 281the so-call<strong>ed</strong> pre-big bang scenario, which is one of the most promising scenariosfor the production of a detectable graviton background of cosmological origin.After a short, qualitative presentation of the pre-big bang models, we willconcentrate on the details of the cosmic graviton spectrum: we will discuss thetheoretical pr<strong>ed</strong>ictions for different models, and will compare the pr<strong>ed</strong>ictionswith existing phenomenological constraints, and with the expect<strong>ed</strong> sensitivitiesof the present gravity-wave detectors. A consistent part of these lectures willthus be devot<strong>ed</strong> to introducing the basic notions of cosmological perturbationtheory, which are requir<strong>ed</strong> to compute the graviton spectrum and to understandwhy the amplification of tensor metric perturbations, at high frequency, is moreefficient in string cosmology than in the standard inflationary context. Let me startby noting that a qualitative, but effective representation of the main differencebetween string cosmology and standard, inflationary cosmology can be obtain<strong>ed</strong>by plotting the curvature scale of the Universe versus time, as illustrat<strong>ed</strong> infigure 16.1.According to the cosmological solutions of the so-call<strong>ed</strong> ‘standard’ scenario[1], the spacetime curvature decreases in time. As we go back in time thecurvature grows monotonically, and blows up at the initial ‘big bang’ singularity,as illustrat<strong>ed</strong> in the top part of figure 16.1 (a similar plot, in the standard scenario,also describes the behaviour of the temperature and of the energy density of thegravitational sources).According to the standard inflationary scenario [2], in contrast, the Universein the past is expect<strong>ed</strong> to enter a de Sitter, or ‘almost’ de Sitter phase, during whichthe curvature tends to stay frozen at a nearly constant value. From a classicalpoint of view, however, this scenario has a problem, since a phase of expansionat constant curvature cannot be extend<strong>ed</strong> back in time for ever [3], for reasons ofgeodesic completeness. This point was clearly stress<strong>ed</strong> also in Alan Guth’s recentsurvey of inflationary cosmology [4]:. . . Nevertheless, since inflation appears to be eternal only into thefuture, but not to the past, an important question remains open. Howdid it all start? Although eternal inflation pushes this question far intothe past, and well beyond the range of observational tests, the questiondoes not disappear.A possible anwer to this question, in a quantum cosmology context, isthat the universe emerges in a de Sitter state ‘from nothing’ [5] (or from someunspecifi<strong>ed</strong> ‘vacuum’), through a process of quantum tunnelling. We willnot discuss the quantum approach in these lectures, but let us note that thecomputation of the transition probability requires an appropriate choice of theboundary conditions [6], which in the context of standard inflation are impos<strong>ed</strong> adhoc when the universe is in an unknown state, deeply inside the non-perturbative,quantum gravity regime. In a string cosmology context, in contrast, the initialconditions are referrr<strong>ed</strong> asymptotically to a low-energy, classical state which isknown, and well controll<strong>ed</strong> by the low-energy string effective action [7].

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