(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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278 Gyroscopes and gravitational <strong>waves</strong>when φ = 0 it r<strong>ed</strong>uces to (15.31). Once the boost<strong>ed</strong> frame ¯ f (U)â =B (lrs,U,u) f (u)â in LRS U is obtain<strong>ed</strong>, the components of the precession velocityturn out to beζ (fw,U, ¯ f (U)â) ˆ1 ≃− 1 2 h 23,tζ (fw,U, f ¯ˆ2 (U)â) ≃ α/2[cos φh 22,t − sin φh 23,t ]ζ (fw,U, f ¯ˆ3 (U)â) ≃ α/2[− sin φh 22,t + cos φh 23,t ], (15.37)again showing that, in the limit of small linear momentum α, the precessionmainly occurs about the direction of propagation of the wave.15.6 ConclusionsWe have operationally defin<strong>ed</strong> a tetrad frame adapt<strong>ed</strong> to a family of staticobservers in the background of a plane gravitational wave. Then we have us<strong>ed</strong>this family to study the precession angular velocity of a gyroscope moving alonga spacetime geodesic. The results show that, to first order in h and in thecase of non-relativistic motion (α ≪ 1), the observ<strong>ed</strong> gyroscopic precession ismainly induc<strong>ed</strong> by the cross-polarization only so a gyro appears to behave as apolarization filter.Assuming the form h 23 = h × sin(λ 2πcGW(t − x/c) + ψ) for the crosspolarization,with an obvious meaning for the symbols, the precession frequency(in conventional units) would be (gyro) (t) ≃− πch ×λ GW( )2πccos (t − x/c) + ψ . (15.38)λ GWThe values of the precession frequency are very small, as expect<strong>ed</strong>. With a typicalamplitude of 10 −21 at the Earth and a frequency of 10 3 Hz, we could hope for amaximum precession of the order of 10 −18 s −1 .Clearly the precession effect is larger with high-frequency gravitational<strong>waves</strong> or when the gyroscope is close enough to the wave source to allow fora higher value of h × . This situation is encounter<strong>ed</strong> by a spinning neutron star,say, in a compact binary system.The type of analysis we have consider<strong>ed</strong>, is most suitable to describe theinteraction of a moving gyroscope with a continuous flow of plane gravitational<strong>waves</strong> with metric form as in (15.18). These are expect<strong>ed</strong> to be emitt<strong>ed</strong> bysources like compact binaries. If we have an impulsive source, like a supernova,then one expects a burst of gravitational radiation which is better describ<strong>ed</strong> by agravitational sandwich. This latter case is now under investigation.

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