(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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276 Gyroscopes and gravitational <strong>waves</strong>namely that of the relative velocity of the gyro and of the wave propagation, it ispossible to construct a spatial triad as followsλ(u)ˆ1 = e(u)ˆ1 = ∂ xλ(u)ˆ2 =ˆν (U,u) × u e(u)ˆ1λ(u)ˆ3 = λ(u)ˆ1 × uλ(u)ˆ2 . (15.31)This frame can be operationally construct<strong>ed</strong> apart from guessing th<strong>ed</strong>irection of propagation of the wave. Inde<strong>ed</strong> such a guess is also requir<strong>ed</strong> to fitdata from bar antenna detectors, for example. Obviously this frame is not unique:any other spatial triad obtain<strong>ed</strong> from it after a rotation which depends at most onthe (known) modulus of the relative velocity (or is constant) is equally useful.The spatial triads e(u)â in (15.20) and λ(u)â in (15.31), differ by a rotationλ(u)â = Ê ˆbâe(u)ˆb .In the weak field limit, the only non-trivial components of Ê ˆbâ, areʈ1 =−ʈ2 ˆ1 ˆ3 = ʈ3 ˆ2 = 1, ʈ2 ˆ2 = ʈ3 ˆ3 = h 23so thatλ(u)ˆ1 = ∂ xλ(u)ˆ2 ≃ h 23 e(u)ˆ2 − e(u)ˆ3 ≃−(1 − 1 2 h 22)∂ zλ(u)ˆ3 ≃ e(u)ˆ2 + h 23e(u)ˆ3 ≃ (1 + 1 2 h 22)∂ y + h 23 ∂ z . (15.32)15.5 Precession of a gyroscope in geodesic motionThe precession of the gyro which is measur<strong>ed</strong> by the observer’s u all along itsworldline, is the image of the precession measur<strong>ed</strong> by the comoving observer U,under the boost B(U, u) as shown in (15.17). In order to study the spin precessionseen by the observer comoving with the gyro, we must first decide with respectto what axes (non-Fermi–Walker transport<strong>ed</strong> but operationally well defin<strong>ed</strong>) theprecession will be measur<strong>ed</strong>, as explain<strong>ed</strong> in section 15.2.Since the observer’s u intersect the worldline of the observer U carrying thegyro, the u-frames {λ(u)â} in (15.31) form a smooth field of frames on it, so theobserver U can identify spatial directions in his rest space simply by boosting th<strong>ed</strong>irections λ(u)â.At each event along his worldline in fact he will see the axes λ(u) â defin<strong>ed</strong>in (15.31) to be in relative motion, therefore the boost of these axes, namely¯λ(U)â = B (lrs,u,U) λ(u)â = λ(u)â +γγ + 1 [ν (U,u) · λ(u)â](u + U), (15.33)

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