(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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The spacetime metric 273with h AB = h AB (t − x), (A, B = 2, 3). Let u denote the tangent vector field ofa family of geodesic, non-rotating and expanding observers defin<strong>ed</strong> byu ♭ =−dt, u = ∂ t . (15.19)One can adapt to these observers an infinite number of spatial frames, by rotatingany given one arbitrarily. For example, consider the following u-frame {e ˆα }={eˆ0 = u, e â = e(u)â} with its dual {ω ˆα }={ωˆ0 =−u ♭ ,ωâ = ω(u)â}u = ∂ te(u)ˆ1 = ∂ xe(u)ˆ2 = (1 − h 22) −1/2 ∂ y ≃ (1 + 1 2 h 22)∂ ye(u)ˆ3 = (1 − h2 22 − h2 23 )−1/2 [(1 − h 22 ) −1/2 h 23 ∂ y + (1 − h 22 ) 1/2 ∂ z ]≃ h 23 ∂ y + (1 − 1 2 h 22)∂ z (15.20)−u ♭ = dtω(u)ˆ1 = dxω(u)ˆ2 = (1 − h 22 ) 1/2 [dy − h 23ω(u)ˆ3 =(1 − h222− h 2 231 − h 22) 1/2dz ≃]dz ≃1 − h 22(1 − 1 )2 h 22 dy − h 23 dz(1 + 1 )2 h 22 dz,where ≃ denotes the corresponding weak-field limit. Any other spatial frame{ẽ(u)â}, adapt<strong>ed</strong> to the observers (15.19), can be obtain<strong>ed</strong> from this one by aspatial rotation Rẽ(u)â = e(u) ˆb R ˆbâ. (15.21)Among all the possible frames, there exists only one with respect to which thelocal compass of inertia experiences no precession. This frame is Fermi–Walkertransport<strong>ed</strong> along u, namely it satisfies the conditionP (u)Ddτ uẽ(u)â ≡∇ (fw,u) ẽ(u)â = 0. (15.22)A Fermi–Walker frame is the most natural of the u-frames; its spatialdirections, in fact, are fix<strong>ed</strong> by three mutually orthogonal axes of small sizecomoving gyroscopes. However, if a metric perturbation causes a dragging ofthe local compass of inertia, the only way to detect and measure it, is to select aframe which is not Fermi–Walker transport<strong>ed</strong>. In this frame, in fact, a gyroscopewould be seen to precess and inde<strong>ed</strong> its precession contains all the informationsabout gravitational dragging. Nonetheless, it is quite non-trivial to identify, inan operational way, a frame which is not Fermi–Walker transport<strong>ed</strong> along theobserver’s worldline when it is act<strong>ed</strong> upon by a gravitational wave.

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