(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Splitting formalism and test particle motion: a short review 271the latter being the measure of the (rescal<strong>ed</strong>) absolute derivative along U, the(3+1) version of the equation of motion of the particle and of the energy theorem,acquires the Newtonian formD (fw,U,u)dτ (U,u)p (U,u) = F (U,u) + F (G)(fw,U,u) ,dE (U,u)dτ (U,u)= [F (U,u) + F (G)(fw,U,u) ] ·u ν (U,u) . (15.7)Let us now consider the motion of a test gyroscope. As it is well known,the spin vector S (U) of a gyroscope carri<strong>ed</strong> by an observer U, is Fermi–Walkertransport<strong>ed</strong> along his worldline (i.e. S (U) does not precess with respect to spatialaxes which are Fermi–Walker dragg<strong>ed</strong> along U), namely:D (fw,U)dτ US (U) = P (U)Ddτ US (U) = 0. (15.8)Suppose that we have chosen a spatial triad ē(U)â which is adapt<strong>ed</strong> to the observerU and is not a Fermi–Walker frame. The observer U will then see the spin S(U)of the gyroscope to precess with respect to these axes according to the law:[ ]dS â(U)− ɛâ dτ ˆbĉ ζ ˆb(fw,U,ē(U)â) Sĉ(U) ē(U)â = 0 (15.9)Uwhereζ â(fw,U,ē(U)â) ≡ ɛâ ˆbĉē(U)ˆb ·∇ (fw,U)ē(U)ĉ (15.10)is the precession rate vector.However, we may want the gyroscope to be analys<strong>ed</strong> by a different observer,u say, who is not comoving with the gyro’s centre of mass. In this case we ne<strong>ed</strong>a smooth family of these observers, each one intersecting the gyro’s worldline atany of its spacetime points where he measures the instantaneous precession ofthe spin vector relative to a suitably defin<strong>ed</strong> frame, adapt<strong>ed</strong> to u. Of course, werequire that the observer’s u are synchroniz<strong>ed</strong> so that their measurements can becompar<strong>ed</strong>. The results of these measurements are describ<strong>ed</strong> by a smooth and atleast once differentiable function of the proper-time of u.Let {e(u)â} be a field of spatial triads adapt<strong>ed</strong> to u; then the restriction of{e(u)â} to the worldline l U of the gyroscope, allows one to define on l U a fieldof tetrad frames, adapt<strong>ed</strong> to U, given by {(U, ē(U)â}, where:ē(U)â = B (lrs,u,U) e(u)â, (15.11)B (lrs,u,U) = P (U) B (u,U) P (u) : LRS u → LRS U being the boost map between therest spaces of the observers U and u; this map has been studi<strong>ed</strong> extensively in[2–4]. Since the boost is an isometry, the precession of S (U) with respect to the

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