(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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The linear system 265where we consider the expansion around zero and infinity. What is thesignificance of the replacement (14.133)? A spectral parameter is requir<strong>ed</strong> if onewants to enlarge the finite Lie group to its affine extension, and the appearance oft in (14.133) fits nicely with this expectation. There is now an infinite hierarchyof fields, as one can see by expanding ˆv in t. For convenience let us pick ageneraliz<strong>ed</strong> triangular gauge, defin<strong>ed</strong> by the requirement that ˆv should be regularat t = 0, or∞∑ˆv(x; t) = exp t n ϕ n (x). (14.148)Another important feature of the linear system is the invariance under ageneralization of the symmetric space automorphism. Let us define it for η = 1n=0τ ∞ ˆv(t) = ( ˆv T ) −1 ( 1t). (14.149)In terms of the Lie algebra, the action of τ ∞ readsIt is straightforward to verify thatQ µ → Q µ , P µ →−P µ . (14.150)τ ∞ ( ˆv −1 ∂ µ ˆv) =ˆv −1 ∂ µ ˆv. (14.151)We can say that it is ˆv∂ µ ˆv ∈ H ∞ , which is the subalgebra of the Geroch groupG ∞ t which is t ∞ -invariant, as happens for finite-dimensional symmetric spaces.It is worth noticing that this property does not hold for v −1 ∂ µ v if we replace τ ∞with the transformation τ defin<strong>ed</strong> in section two.14.5.3 Derivation of the colliding plane metric by factorizationAt this point we can convince ourselves that the results obtain<strong>ed</strong> so far can beus<strong>ed</strong> to construct exact solutions of Einstein’s equations. Of central importancefor this task is the monodromy matrix, which is defin<strong>ed</strong> as follows(Å =ˆv(x; t) ˆv T x; 1 ). (14.152)tA short calculation reveals that∂ µ Å =ˆv(ˆv −1 ∂ µ ˆv − τ ∞ ( ˆv −1 ∂ µ ˆv))τ ∞ ˆv −1 = 0 (14.153)where the relation (14.151) was us<strong>ed</strong>. Consequently, Å can only depend on w.The solutions generating proc<strong>ed</strong>ure now consists in choosing a matrix Å(w) andfinding a factorization as in (14.152).

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