(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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260 Infinite-dimensional symmetries in gravitytransformation generat<strong>ed</strong> by f 1 , which is clearly nonlinear and non-local, becauseone has to perform an integration to calculate explicitly the dual potential.We then evaluate also the action on ˜λ. From the definition of (14.82), andobserving that δλ = 0, it follows that˜λ −1 δ ˜λ =− 1 2 −1 δ (14.113)14.4.2 Action of SL(2, R) MM on λ, BExactly the same analysis has to be done for the other group, with generators(e 0 , h 0 , f 0 )e 0 :⇒ e 0 (B) = c 0 (14.114)h 0 :⇒ h 0 (B) = 2B (14.115)f 0 :⇒ f 0 (B) = 2φ 0 (14.116)withρɛ µν ∂ ν φ 0 =− 2 B 2 ∂ µ B 2 + ρ∂ µ( ρ). (14.117)14.4.3 The affine Kac–Moody SL(2, R) algebraThe transformations we have just deriv<strong>ed</strong> are to be identifi<strong>ed</strong> with an affineSL(2, R) Kac–Moody algebra. The latter is characteriz<strong>ed</strong> by the Cartan matrix( )2 −2A ij =(14.118)−2 2and the standard Chevalley–Serre presentation defining the algebra which can beread off from the Cartan matrix:[h i , h j ] = 0[h i , e j ] = A ij e j[h i , f j ] =−A ij f j[e i , f j ] = δ ij h j[e i [e i [e i , e j ]]] = 0[ f i [ f i [ f i , f j ]]] = 0.Here i = j = 0, 1; note that there is no summation on repeat<strong>ed</strong> indices andthat the first relation defines the Cartan subalgebra. To see the relation with theSL(2, R) transformations dealt with before, we make the identificationse 1 = T0 + , f 1 = T0 − , h 1 = T0 3 (14.119)e 0 = T − 1 , f 0 = T − + , h 0 = c − T0 3 . (14.120)

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