(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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254 Infinite-dimensional symmetries in gravityThe Lagrangian is given byÄ = 1 4 egmn Tr P m P n (14.66)and then the field equations for P m readD m ( √ gg mn P n ) = 0. (14.67)In the following section we will show how it is possible to reproduce theLagrangians obtain<strong>ed</strong> by dimensional r<strong>ed</strong>uction from this general constructionof nonlinear σ -models.14.2.1 Ehlers Lagrangian as a nonlinear σ -modelTo link these arguments to the previous discussion, let us consider the groupsG = SL(2, R), H = SO(2). (14.68)The quotient space has only two degrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om. We enforce the triangulargauge choosing for v the following expression(1/2Bv =−1/2 )0 −1/2 (14.69)and then( 12v −1 −1 ∂ m −1 )∂ m B∂ m v =0 − 1 2 −1 ∂ m = Pm 1 Y 1 + Pm 2 Y 2 + Q m Y 3 (14.70)where the coefficients of the generators of the algebra are given byPm 1 = 1 2 −1 ∂ m , Pm 2 = Q m = 1 2 −1 ∂ m B. (14.71)The evaluation of the Lagrangian is straightforward, and we getÄ = 1 4 egmn Tr P m P n = 1 8 egmn −2 (∂ m ∂ n + ∂ m B∂ n B). (14.72)This result matches exactly with the matter part of the Einstein–HilbertLagrangian found in the previous section. We have found that this expression canbe directly r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> to two dimensions, and then, coupl<strong>ed</strong> to gravity, it becomessimply the Ehlers Lagrangian Ä E seen before.The Ehlers Lagrangian after dimensional r<strong>ed</strong>uction isÄ E = gravity + 1 4 ρe(2) g µν Tr(P µ P ν )=− 1 2 λ−1 ∂ µ λ∂ µ ρ + 1 8 ρe(2) −2 g µν (∂ µ ∂ ν + ∂ µ B∂ ν B). (14.73)We saw in the previous section that, by another type of dimensional r<strong>ed</strong>uction, wegot a different r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> Lagrangian, the Matzner–Misner one.This one can be construct<strong>ed</strong> as a nonlinear σ -model too: we ne<strong>ed</strong> only adifferent gauge choice, as we will see in the next section; before this, let us lookat the equations of motion deriv<strong>ed</strong> from the Ehlers Lagrangian.

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