(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Einstein theory 251where δ ˜g µν = 2δẽ αµẽ αν has been us<strong>ed</strong>. The metric is diagonal in this gauge, sothe equations for the conformal factors become(traceless part of){− 1 2 λ−1 ∂ µ λ∂ ν ρ + 1 4 ∂ µ∂ ν ρ}=matter. (14.45)We have not explicitly written the matter sector yet. This will be done in the nextsection.The pure gravity action written in two dimensions in the conformal gaugereads− 1 4 e(3) R (3) =− 1 2 λ−1 ∂ µ λ∂ µ ρ (14.46)where the equation £ρ = 0 has been us<strong>ed</strong> to make the second term of (14.36)vanish. The whole Lagrangian is thenÄ E =− 1 2 λ−1 ∂ µ λ∂ µ ρ + 1 8 ρ−2 (∂ µ ∂ µ + ∂ µ B∂ µ B) (14.47)where the second term with the Kaluza–Klein scalar and the dual of the Kaluza–Klein vector has been obtain<strong>ed</strong> considering only the two-dimensional part of theaction. The subscript E stands for Ehlers, who did this analysis for the first timein the 1950s.Here we have treat<strong>ed</strong> one possible way of performing dimensional r<strong>ed</strong>uction:we have seen it consists of many steps. One first r<strong>ed</strong>uces from four to three; then,dualizes the vector field and performs the r<strong>ed</strong>uction to two dimensions. However,this is not the whole story: actually, it is possible also to get the two-dimensionalLagrangian directly from the three-dimensional one, without dualization.The proc<strong>ed</strong>ure for doing the calculation is as follows: first we express theKaluza–Klein vector in the formB m = (B µ , B 2 ≡ ˜B) (14.48)and then we perform directly the dimensional r<strong>ed</strong>uction in conformal gauge byusing the previous choice of the three-bein in triangular form. Proce<strong>ed</strong>ing inthis way, we meet two electromagnetic fields in two dimensions, A µ and B µ ,which can be set to zero because they do not propagate (we have already us<strong>ed</strong> thisargument before) and there is no cosmological constant.Let us note now the various steps of the calculation. The newwriting for the Kaluza–Klein vector and the considerations on two-dimensionalelectromagnetism implyB µ = 0 → B µν = 0. (14.49)So the only non-vanishing terms of the three-dimensional Lagrangian before ther<strong>ed</strong>uction areÄ =− 1 4 e(3) R (3) (e) − 1 8 e(3) 2 B µ2 B µ2 + 1 8 e(3) g mn −2 ∂ m ∂ n . (14.50)Then we r<strong>ed</strong>uce the dimensions as before (we set A µ = 0) and choose theconformal gauge. Keeping in mind thatg µν = λ 2 η µν , g 22 =−ρ 2 (14.51)

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