(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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230 Sources of SGWBwhich is a suitable ansatz for the metric describing an evolving homogeneousisotropic universe. The cosmological field equations deriv<strong>ed</strong> from the low-energypart of (13.30) have the symmetry (in four dimensions)R(t) → 1R(−t) ,φ(t) → φ(−t) − 6ln[R(−t)]which relates ordinary FRW cosmology characteriz<strong>ed</strong> by H ≡ Ṙ/R > 0, Ḣ < 0,constant φ (where a dot means a derivative with respect to t) att > 0, with aninflationary one with H > 0, Ḣ > 0 and ˙φ > 0att < 0. This symmetrymay suggest that the universe start<strong>ed</strong> its evolution from the state of perturbativevacuum, i.e. empty, cold, flat and decoupl<strong>ed</strong> with increasing Hubble parameterand eventually emerg<strong>ed</strong> in the standard cosmology at t > 0 with decreasing H and‘frozen’ dilaton. The dual cosmology is call<strong>ed</strong> pre-big bang (PBB) phase and itdoes not ne<strong>ed</strong> a beginning time as H → 0 and φ →−∞for t →−∞. However,the low-energy equations of motion do not smoothly interpolate between thesetwo phases. Instead they lead to singularities, in the past for the FRW phase(as ordinary cosmology) and in the future for the PBB phase; in both cases att = 0 where big bang should be plac<strong>ed</strong>. However, the approximations on whichthe validity of equation (13.30) relies, break down whenever H ∼ O(λ s −1)or φ ∼ 0. The corrections indicat<strong>ed</strong> in equation (13.30) may prevent reachingthe singularity, allowing a smooth transition to standard hot big bang and FRWcosmology. Actually there are indications (see, e.g., [50–54]) that a regularizationmechanism can be really provid<strong>ed</strong> by taking into account of quantum and stringyeffects on the evolution of the system. The big bang should then be identifi<strong>ed</strong> withthe epoch of maximum but not infinite curvature which should be follow<strong>ed</strong> by apost-big bang evolution, by which we mean a standard evolution with = 1, asit has been achiev<strong>ed</strong> by the long period of PBB inflation. The above describ<strong>ed</strong>scenario is display<strong>ed</strong> in figure 13.5.Nevertheless in the strong coupling regime physics is really new and theperturbative approach propos<strong>ed</strong> by equation (13.30) is no more valid. One shouldresort to a new picture, with an effective action written in terms of the newlight modes appropriate to the strong coupling regime [55]. Anyway, admittingthat a regularization is still possible makes this picture noteworthy from boththe theoretical and the phenomenological point of view. From the theoreticalside it addresses issues left open by standard inflationary models such as theinitial singularity and the theoretical origin of the field driving inflation; fromthe phenomenological side in the next subsection the production of gravitational<strong>waves</strong> (studi<strong>ed</strong> in [56, 57]) will be analys<strong>ed</strong>.13.3.1 The modelThe solution of the equations of motion deriv<strong>ed</strong> from equation (13.30) whichpresents the initial conditions typical of PBB phase are (for time-dependent only

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