(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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String cosmology 22913.3 String cosmologyThe basic mechanism of generation of relic gravitational <strong>waves</strong> in cosmology hasbeen discuss<strong>ed</strong> in the prec<strong>ed</strong>ing section about inflation where the main conceptshave been expos<strong>ed</strong>. The crucial point of the outcome was the flatness of thespectrum which, combin<strong>ed</strong> with the COBE bound at very low frequency, givesa very strong constraint on the spectrum even at high frequency. To satisfy theCOBE bound and still have a chance of being observable at VIRGO or LIGO thespectrum must grow with frequency. A spectrum of this kind has been found in acosmological model suggest<strong>ed</strong> by string theory [48].In string theory the fundamental objects are one-dimensional extend<strong>ed</strong>entities, i.e. strings. Their fundamental excitation of given energy and angularmomentum are particles of given mass and spin. String theory has one onlyfundamental (dimensionful) constant: the string tension T which can be trad<strong>ed</strong>for a fundamental length λ s ≡ √¯hc/T . The mass scale of the excitation of thestring is therefore √ T which, as string theory includes gravity, should be near thePlanck mass 2 . The gauge couplings are not constant (neither at classical level)but depend on the expectation value of a scalar field, the dilaton. For example,Newton’s gravitational constant G is given byG ∼ λ s28π eφ ,while all the gauge couplings are proportional to e φ/2 . In the regime where allcouplings and derivatives are small string physics can be suitably describ<strong>ed</strong> by afield theory action which describes the dynamics of the light (massless) fields ofthe string (the graviton g µν and the dilaton φ), which isS =− 1 ∫2λ 2 d 4 x √ −g[e −φ (Ê + ∂ µ φ∂ µ φ) + higher derivatives]s+ [higher order in e φ ]. (13.30)where g = det ‖g µν ‖, and Ê is the Ricci scalar. Higher derivative termsare relevant whenever spacetime derivatives become of the order of one (in λ sunits), whereas the higher orders in e φ acquire importance when e φ ∼ 1, thussignalling the beginning of a full stringy-quantum regime. The first terms withoutcorrections reproduce Einsteinian gravity for constant dilaton.To analyse a situation of cosmological interest it suffices to study spatiallyhomogeneous fields, i.e. φ = φ(t) and the metric is chosen so that the line elementds 2 can be written asds 2 = dt 2 − R 2 (t) d⃗x 2 , (13.31)2 This is not a compelling argument as models have been present<strong>ed</strong> in which √ T can be consistentlyput some orders of magnitude below the Planck mass (see, e.g., [49]), but we will not treat thesemodels.

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