(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Inflation 227the lower bound to the extension of the spectrum. To find the upper boundone must note that in our model the transition between the different regimestakes place instantaneously; in a more realistic situation such transitions havea typical duration time t, and consequently there is a cut-off physical frequencyof order 1/t. In our case the typical time of the transitions is of the order ofthe Hubble parameters at the transition points (H (η 1 ), H (η 2 )). This means thatfor k > k 2 = R2 ′ /R 2, i.e. for f ≥ 10 −16 Hz, equation (13.25) is not the correctexpression for N k ; above this frequency the radiation-matter transition does notaffect the spectrum, but the inflation-radiation one is still important. Hence,the number of gravitons creat<strong>ed</strong> is given by the corresponding equation, with δreplac<strong>ed</strong> by β( )HN k =|β k | 2 2= dsR(η 1 ) 2 22k 2 . (13.26)In turn, equation (13.26) has a high frequency cut-off given by k 1 = R1 ′ /R 1 =−1/η 1 ; η 1 , and consequently the corresponding value of the physical cut-offfrequency f 1 , is an almost free parameter of the model and depends on thereheating temperature. A typical value for f 1 is the one report<strong>ed</strong> in [46] ( f 1 ∼10 10 Hz), but other (also much lower) values are possible, depending on themodel; in general one has f 1 > 1 kHz. Beyond f 1 there is no amplificationmechanism at all and the spectrum goes rapidly to zero.Once obtain<strong>ed</strong> the result for N k , it is straightforward to obtain its contributionto ρ gw , and consequently to gwdρ gw ( f ) = 2 · 2π f · N k ( f ) · 4π f 2 d f,where the factor of two is due to polarization, and f = k/2π R 0 is the physicalfrequency. The final result for gw in terms of the physical frequency is then⎧ ( )3H3 2 ( ) 2 ( ) 6ds R1 R1 18⎪⎨ 16π R 2 R 0 f 2 , k 0 < 2π f < k 2 gw ( f ) =3π H0 2M2 H 4 ( ) 4Pl ds R1, k 2 < 2π f < k 1⎪⎩ 4 R 00, 2π f > k 1(13.27)where M Pl is the Planck mass and H 0 is the present value of the Hubble parameter.Because of the flatness of gw ( f ) the strongest constraint turns out to be theone relat<strong>ed</strong> to the observ<strong>ed</strong> anisotropy in CMBR. This constrains the spectrum asfollows( ) 2h 2 0 gw ≤ 7 × 10 −11 H0for f ∈ (10 −19 , 10 −16 ) Hz, (13.28)fwhich in turn impliesH ds ≤ 10 39 Hz ≃ 5 × 10 14 Gev ≃ 5 × 10 −5 M Pl .

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