(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Inflation 223Hubble radius and when the M ¯M pairs get connect<strong>ed</strong> by strings the hybrid systemcollapse in less than one Hubble time by dissipating energy into friction with thecosmological fluid.For our purposes, the most interesting scenario is when the monopoles areform<strong>ed</strong> during the inflation but are not completely inflat<strong>ed</strong> away. The strings areform<strong>ed</strong> later with a length scale ξ that is much smaller than the average monopoleseparation d. In the course of the evolution ξ grows like t and eventually becomescomparable to d, so that at some time t m we are left with M ¯M pairs connect<strong>ed</strong> bystrings. If the strings are form<strong>ed</strong> during inflation, soon after the monopoles, theydo not go through a period of relativistic evolution and no gravitational radiation isproduc<strong>ed</strong> prior to t m . In contrast, if the strings are form<strong>ed</strong> in the post-inflationaryepoch, they can have a period of relativistic evolution and a nearly flat stochasticbackground identical to that for walls bound<strong>ed</strong> by strings is produc<strong>ed</strong> before t m .At t > t m , the M ¯M pairs oscillate and gradually convert their energy ingravitational radiation. This process has been studi<strong>ed</strong> in detail in [38] for thesimplest case of a straight string connecting the monopoles. It was found that thespectral density of the radiation emitt<strong>ed</strong> by this simple configuration verify theboundh 2 0 gw º 2 × 10 −8 (13.19)in the frequency range of VIRGO.13.2 InflationIt is well known that many of the shortcomings of the standard cosmologicalmodel (such as isotropy of the CMBR, structure formation, flatness and monopoleproblems) can be successfully fac<strong>ed</strong> in the framework of the so-call<strong>ed</strong> inflationarymodels (see [39, 40] for a review).The basic idea shar<strong>ed</strong> by almost all the various models [41–44] of inflationis that in early times the universe was dominat<strong>ed</strong> by the vacuum energy ofsome scalar field, which provid<strong>ed</strong> an exponential growth of the scale factorof the universe; then, as a result of a phase transition (maybe associat<strong>ed</strong> witha spontaneous symmetry breaking), the scalar field was captur<strong>ed</strong> by the trueminimum of its potential, made some oscillations and finally settl<strong>ed</strong> down in it.The energy previously stor<strong>ed</strong> in the false vacuum was convert<strong>ed</strong> into the decayproducts of the scalar field, produc<strong>ed</strong> mainly during the oscillatory stage: thisprocess is responsible for the reheating of the universe, thus providing the usual‘hot’ initial conditions for the beginning of the radiation-dominat<strong>ed</strong> era.Despite the fact that a complete and satisfying model of inflation is not yet athand, the ‘inflationary paradigm’, i.e. the idea of a primordial stage of accelerat<strong>ed</strong>expansion, is widely accept<strong>ed</strong> and consider<strong>ed</strong> as a necessary ingr<strong>ed</strong>ient of everycosmological model. Moreover, an inflationary stage provides a very interestingmechanism of amplification of perturbations (see [47]) that, as well as beingimportant for what concerns the problem of the structures formation, generates

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