(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Topological defects 22113.1.2 Hybrid defectsIf the symmetry breaking responsible for the formation of the strings occur as apart of a much more complicat<strong>ed</strong> breaking scheme, it is likely that hybrid systemscompos<strong>ed</strong> by topological defects of different dimensionality may form. In thecase when the hybrid system does not annihilate imm<strong>ed</strong>iately this may lead to astochastic background in a similar way to that for the strings [38]. The interestingfeature of these objects is that they evade the constraints from the CMB and pulsartiming allowing for larger values of Gµ and hence larger contributions to theSGWB in the detectable range of frequencies.Walls bound<strong>ed</strong> by stringsDomain walls are form<strong>ed</strong> when a discrete symmetry is broken. The simplestmodel of this sort is that of real scalar field with a potentialV (φ) = 1 2 λ(φ2 − η 2 w )2 .The reflection symmetry group Z 2 of the Lagrangian (invariance under φ →−φ)is spontaneously broken when φ takes on the VEV 〈φ〉 =±η, and so the manifoldÅ consists of only two points. As we go from a region with 〈φ〉 =η to a regionwith 〈φ〉 =−η, we should necessarily pass through 〈φ〉 =0 and, thus, the tworegions must be separat<strong>ed</strong> by a wall of false vacuum. Therefore, the simplestsequence of phase transitions that results in walls bound<strong>ed</strong> by strings isG → H ⊗ Z 2 → Hwhere at first transition (T ∼ η s ) strings form and at the second (T ∼ η w ) eachstring gets attach<strong>ed</strong> to a domain wall.Before the formation of walls the evolution of strings is as in the standardscenario describ<strong>ed</strong> above. After a period of overdamp<strong>ed</strong> motion, the stringsstart moving relativistically at time t s and approach a scaling regime where thecharacteristic scale of the network is comparable to the horizon. After the timet w at which the domain walls form the evolution of the network depends on theratio between the string tension µ ∼ ηs 2 and wall surface tension σ ∼ η3 w . Thewalls become dynamically important at t ∼ µ/σ , when they pull the stringstowards one another, and the network breaks into pieces of wall bound<strong>ed</strong> by string.Alternatively, if t w >µ/σthe breakup of the network occurs imm<strong>ed</strong>iately afterthe wall formation. By indicating with t ∗ = max{µ/σ, t w }, the typical size of thepieces is expect<strong>ed</strong> to be ∼αt ∗ .<strong>Gravitational</strong> <strong>waves</strong> emitt<strong>ed</strong> by oscillating loop of strings during the periodt ∈ (t s , t ∗ ) form a SGWB with a nearly flat spectrum extending over thefrequency range f ∈ [2/α(t ∗ t eq ) 1/2 , 2/α(t s t eq ) 1/2 ]. For this frequency rangeto overlap with the one cover<strong>ed</strong> by VIRGO the strings must decay before th<strong>ed</strong>ecoupling, and, thus, the only constraint on this background comes from big

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