(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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220 Sources of SGWBapart from a shift in the frequency corresponding to equal matter-radiation hasa negligible effect on the r<strong>ed</strong> noise spectrum, which is produc<strong>ed</strong> in the radiationera [35].The values of the dimensionless parameters appearing in equation (13.13)are not completely known. Numerical simulations provide a reasonable estimatefor A and 〈v 2 〉 in the radiation-dominat<strong>ed</strong> era: A = 52 ± 10, 〈v 2 〉=0.43 ±0.02. Comparing detail<strong>ed</strong> calculations of large angular scale CMB temperatureanisotropies induc<strong>ed</strong> by strings [36] with observations, the string mass per unitlength has been normaliz<strong>ed</strong> toGµ = 1.05 +0.35−0.20 × 10−6 .This value is below the upper bound obtain<strong>ed</strong> from the pulsar timingand nucleosynthesis constraints on the gravitational radiation spectrum [35].However, the value of α (the size of the loop at formation) is still unknowm. Thehigh-resolution numerical simulations show that α < 10 −2 . This surprisinglysmall relative size is a result of the small-scale structure on the long strings and,since this is cut off by gravitational back-reaction, we may reasonably expectthat α > ƔGµ ≈ 6 × 10 −5 [33]. This uncertanty in the value of α leads toa wide uncertainty in β that, because this parameter governs the lifetime of theloop, has a large effect on the spectrum. However, it is easy to verify that thespectral density gw ( f ) reach a minimum value when α → 0. Therefore, in theradiation-dominat<strong>ed</strong> era (d H = 2t): gw ( f ) ≥ 8π 3 Af r Gµ 1 −〈v2 〉1 + z eqN, f ∈ (10 −8 , 10 10 ) Hz. (13.15)Since 1 + z eq = 2.32 × 10 4 0 h 2 0 , in the case 0 = 1 one has:h 2 0 gw ≥ 5.0 × 10 −9 N.In the case of the standard model thermal scenario, the value of N to be insert<strong>ed</strong> inthis expression is 0.32 (see equation (13.14)). But, as anticipat<strong>ed</strong> in section 12.1,the evolution of N with the temperature is known only up to T ∼ 10 3 , i.e. upto frequencies f ∼ 10 −3 α −1 ∼ 10 Hz. If the particle physics model has mor<strong>ed</strong>egrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om beyond this temperature ( f ² 10 Hz) there could be othersteps in the function N(T ) associat<strong>ed</strong> with other phase transitions. However,the dependence of the spectral density on the number of degrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om isreasonably weak and, thus, we can conservatively estimatein the frequency range explor<strong>ed</strong> by VIRGO.h 2 0 gw ≥ 1.6 × 10 −9 (13.16)

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