(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Topological defects 219• A peak near f ∼ 10 −12 Hz. The shape of this portion depends criticallyon the model for the emission by a loop. The overall height of the spectrumdepends linearly on Gµ, while the frequency at which the peak<strong>ed</strong> spectrummerges to the r<strong>ed</strong> noise portion depends inversely on α. The important resultis that for values n ∗ < 10 2 and q ≥ 4/3 the spectrum drops off as 1/f forany value.Because the frequency band is accessible to VIRGO, in the following weshall concentrate on the ‘r<strong>ed</strong> noise’ portion of the spectrum, referring to [34, 35]for details about the region of the peak.An analytic expression for the ‘r<strong>ed</strong> noise’ portion of the GW spectrum isgiven as follows: gw ( f ) = 8π 9AƔG 2 µ 2α(1 −〈v 2 〉) β3/2 − 11 + z eq. (13.13)Let us remark that the above expression for the spectrum does not accountfor the r<strong>ed</strong>uction in the number of relativistic degrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om that occurs everytime the temperature falls through a particle mass threshold. This has the effectof modifying equation (13.13) by a factorN =(g∗ag ∗b) 1/3where g ∗a (g ∗b ) is the number of relativistic degrees of fre<strong>ed</strong>om at a temperatureabove (below) the particle mass threshold. Within the standard model SU(3) C ⊗SU(2) L ⊗ U(1) Y , one has:⎧1, f ∈ (10 −8 , 10 −10 α −1 ) Hz( )⎪⎨ 3.36 1/3= 0.68, f ∈ (10 −10 α −1 , 10 −4 α −1 ) HzN = 10.75(13.14)( ) 3.36 1/3⎪⎩= 0.32, f ∈ (10 −4 α −1 , 10 8 ) Hz106.75where we take α ∼ ƔGµ in evaluating the above frequency range. Hence, thethermal history of the cosmological fluid reflects on the r<strong>ed</strong> noise spectrum bya series of steps down in amplitude with increasing frequency. The detection ofsuch a shift would provide unique insight into the particle content of the earlyuniverse (at times much earlier than the electroweak phase transition).There is a substantial body of astronomical evidence which suggests thatthe cosmological density parameter 0 is less than one, i.e. the universe is open.The evolution of strings in an open universe will differ from that in the flat caseonly after the time at which the expansion of the universe becomes curvatur<strong>ed</strong>ominat<strong>ed</strong>:after this time the linear regime no longer exists. This is importantfor consideration of GWs creat<strong>ed</strong> with low frequencies during the matter era, but,

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