(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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216 Sources of SGWBThese two processes combine to create a mechanism by which the infinitestring network loses energy (and length as measur<strong>ed</strong> in comoving coordinates),preventing the network from dominating the universe. Inde<strong>ed</strong>, bas<strong>ed</strong> uponcomputer simulations and analytical arguments, there is strong evidence that thecosmological evolution of the network becomes self-similar, approaching what iscall<strong>ed</strong> a ‘scaling’ solution. In the simplest scale-invariant model, the correlationlength ξ of the network is proportional to its causality bound:ξ(t) ∼ t ∼ d H (t)and, thus, the statistical properties of the network are time independent if all th<strong>ed</strong>istances are scal<strong>ed</strong> to the causal horizon.This scaling property can be us<strong>ed</strong> to obtain qualitative relations. Forexample, the energy density of long strings is given by:ρ ∞ = A µdH 2 (t) ∼ A µ t 2where A is a dimensionless constant representing the number of long stringspresent per horizon siz<strong>ed</strong> volume. Numerical simulations suggest the valueA = 52 in the radiation-dominat<strong>ed</strong> era, and A = 31 in the matter-dominat<strong>ed</strong>one. True scale invariance implies that the size of a newly form<strong>ed</strong> loop produc<strong>ed</strong>by the network is a fix<strong>ed</strong> fraction of the horizonl(t) = αd H (t) ∼ αt.Although the loops are observ<strong>ed</strong> to form with relativistic peculiar velocities v i (theloop centre of mass is moving with respect to the rest frame of the cosmologicalfluid), these are rapidly r<strong>ed</strong>shift<strong>ed</strong> to zero by the expansion of the universe, leavinga generic loop with only a fraction f r = (1 − v 2 i )1/2 of its initial energy. Thisr<strong>ed</strong>shifting of peculiar velocities does not affect the loop production rate, but itdoes change the loop size imm<strong>ed</strong>iately after its formation to:l(t) = f r αd H (t). (13.8)Hence, only a fraction f r of the total loop energy is convert<strong>ed</strong> into GWs. Bynumerical simulations this fraction turns out to be 0.71.This scale-invariant model is implement<strong>ed</strong> by the assumption that theuniverse is describ<strong>ed</strong> by a spatially flat ( = 1) FRW cosmology. A full treatmentof this model is develop<strong>ed</strong> in [34]. In particular, the effect of the string networkon the expansion of the universe and the rate of loop formation are calculat<strong>ed</strong>.The spectrum of GWs produc<strong>ed</strong> by a network of string loops can beobtain<strong>ed</strong> implementing the scale-invariant model describ<strong>ed</strong> above with a modelof the emission of gravitational radiation by string loops. This model has beendevelop<strong>ed</strong> in [34] and is compos<strong>ed</strong> of the following three elements:

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