(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Topological defects 215It can be shown [33] that, as a consequence of the invariance of the string underLorentz boost along z and the conservation law Tµ,ν ν one has:˜T ν µ= µδ(x)δ(y) diag(1, 0, 0, 1). (13.6)This expression shows a remarkable property of the strings: the pressure isnegative, i.e. is a string tension, and this tension is equal to the mass per unitlength µ. One recalls from classical mechanics that small transverse <strong>waves</strong> in astring with tension T move at spe<strong>ed</strong> (T/µ) 1/2 , so it is apparent that <strong>waves</strong> movealong a string at the velocity of light.Appli<strong>ed</strong> to strings, the Kibble mechanism implies that at the time of phasetransition a network of strings with typical length ξ(t c ) will form. According tonumerical simulations at formation about one fifth of the initial energy is in smallclos<strong>ed</strong> loops and the remaining in ‘infinite’ long strings. The evolution of thisnetwork for t > t c is complicat<strong>ed</strong>. The key processes are:(i)The intercommutation of intersecting string segments, in which the twosegments swap partners, rather than passing through one another (see figurebelow). Bas<strong>ed</strong> upon numerical simulations it appears that the probability forthis to occur is nearly unity. This process leads to the continual chopping oflong strings into smaller segments and/or loops.(ii) The decay of small loops through the emission of gravitational radiation.The strings oscillate relativistically under their own tension and, thus, a loopof characteristic radius R will radiate gravitational <strong>waves</strong> at a characteristicfrequency ω ∼ R −1 due to its time-varying quadrupole moment, Q ∼ µR 3 .For an order of magnitude estimate the power radiat<strong>ed</strong> in gravitational <strong>waves</strong>can be calculat<strong>ed</strong> using the quadrupole formula (G is Newton’s constant)P ∼ G〈 ˙¨Q ˙¨Q〉 ∼Gµ 2 . (13.7)Because this power is constant, independent of the loop size, the mass-energyof the loop decreases linearly with time. In a characteristic timeτ ∼RGµthe loop shrinks to a point and vanishes. From equation (13.5), in the case ofa GUT phase transition, one has Gµ ∼ 10 −6 .

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