(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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214 Sources of SGWB13.1.1 StringsTo illustrate the (cosmic) strings let us come back to the simple model consider<strong>ed</strong>at the beginning of the prec<strong>ed</strong>ing section (see equations (13.1) and (13.2)). Since〈φ〉 is single valu<strong>ed</strong>, the total change of the phase θ around any clos<strong>ed</strong> path inspace must be an integer multiple of 2π. Let us now consider a clos<strong>ed</strong> path withθ = 2π. If no singularity is encounter<strong>ed</strong>, as the path shrunk to a point, θcannot change continuously from 2π to zero, and, thus, we must encounter atleast one point where θ is undefin<strong>ed</strong>, i.e. 〈φ〉 =0. This means that at least onetube of false vacuum should be caught inside any path with θ ̸= 0. Such tubesof false vacuum, call<strong>ed</strong> strings, must either be close or infinite in length, otherwiseit would be possible to contract the path to a point without crossing the string.The simplest strings are produc<strong>ed</strong> in the phase transition associat<strong>ed</strong> to thespontaneous breaking of a local U(1) symmetry. In this case the Lagrangiancontains a gauge field A µ and a complex Higgs field φ which carries U(1) chargeg and with self-interaction of the form (13.1):Ä = (D µ φ) † (D µ φ) − 1 4 F µν F µν − V (φ) (13.4)whereD µ = ∂ µ − igA µ , F µν = ∂ µ A ν − ∂ ν A µ .In this case the string solution has a well-defin<strong>ed</strong> core outside of which φ containsno energy density in spite of non-vanishing gradients ∇φ: the gauge field A µ canabsorb the gradient, i.e. D µ φ = 0 when ∂ µ φ ̸= 0. The radius δ of the string coreis determin<strong>ed</strong> by the Compton wavelengths of the Higgs and vector bosons. Form φ ≪ m A , which is usually the case, one has:δ ∼ m −1φ= λ−1/2 η −1and the energy of the string per unit length within this width is finite and givenby:µ ∼ λη 4 δ 2 = η 2(independent of the coupling λ). The value of µ (or equivalently η) is the onlyfree parameter of the string. For a phase transition at the grand unification (GUT)energy scale, η = 10 16 GeV andδ ∼ 10 −30 cm, µ ∼ 10 22 gcm −1 . (13.5)Strings of cosmological interest have sizes much greater than their width. Inthis case the internal structure of the string is unimportant and physical quantitiesof interest, such as the energy-momentum tensor, can be averag<strong>ed</strong> over the crosssection. For a long, thin, straight string lying along the z-axis we define˜T ν µ = δ(x)δ(y) ∫dx dyT ν µ .

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