(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Achievable sensitivities to the SGWB 205Table 12.8. Minimum values of h 2 0 gw for one year of observation, for(δ, α) = (0.95, 0.05), for the optimal combination of cross-correlation measurementsbetween multiple detector pairs, taken from all possible triples of interferometerscontaining VIRGO.VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-WA ⋆ LIGO-LAVIRGO ⋆ LIGO-LA ⋆ GEO-600VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-WA ⋆ GEO-600VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-LA ⋆ TAMA-300VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-WA ⋆ TAMA-300VIRGO ⋆ GEO-600 ⋆ TAMA-3002.6 × 10 −64.2 × 10 −64.8 × 10 −65.4 × 10 −66.6 × 10 −67.3 × 10 −6Table 12.9. The same as table 12.8 for the case of quadruples.VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-WA ⋆ LIGO-LA ⋆ GEO-600VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-WA ⋆ LIGO-LA ⋆ TAMA-300VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-LA ⋆ GEO-600 ⋆ TAMA-300VIRGO ⋆ LIGO-WA ⋆ GEO-600 ⋆ TAMA-3002.4 × 10 −62.6 × 10 −64.2 × 10 −64.8 × 10 −6and, therefore, all the measurements can be consider<strong>ed</strong> uncorrelat<strong>ed</strong>;the authors of [7] show that the optimal SNR turns out to be 7SNR 4 =M∑i=1M∑n ij (SNR (ij) ) 4 (12.54)j>iwhere SNR (ij) is given in equation (12.12). Thus, in the case of a frequencyindependentspectrum gw ( f ) = gw , the minimum value of gw for givendetection (δ) and false alarm (α) rates turns out to be:( )1 2= gw (δ, α)M∑i=1( ) 2 M∑ 1 (ij) . (12.55)gw (δ, α)where (ij)gw (δ, α) are the analogous quantities for the ij detector pairs (seeequation (12.50)). In the case (δ, α) = (0.95, 0.05), the minimum values ofh 2 0 gw obtain<strong>ed</strong> considering all triples and quadruples of interferometers havingin common VIRGO, are report<strong>ed</strong> in tables 12.8 and 12.9, respectively.7 Remember that we defin<strong>ed</strong> the SNR as the square root of the SNR defin<strong>ed</strong> in [7].j>i

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