(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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Achievable sensitivities to the SGWB 201can take, for our estimate, ˜h f ∼ 10 −22 Hz −1/2 over a bandwidth f ∼ 1 kHz.Moreover, as clearly shown in figure 12.2, the overlap r<strong>ed</strong>uction function isapproximately equal to one up to f ∼ 1 kHz. Therefore, from equation (12.31)and (12.27) one has( ) 1 year 1/2 (h 2 0 min gw ( f ) ∼ 1.3 × 10−7 SNR 2 fT 100 Hz) 3(˜h f10 −22 Hz −1/2 ) 2.(12.51)which shows that correlating two VIRGO interferometers for 1 year we can detecta relic spectrum with h 2 0 gw(100 Hz) ∼ 3 × 10 −7 at SNR = 1.65, or 10 −7at SNR = 1. Compar<strong>ed</strong> to the case of a single interferometer with SNR = 1,equation (12.48), we gain five orders of magnitude. As already discuss<strong>ed</strong>, toobtain a precise numerical value one must however consider equation (12.12).This involves an integral over all frequencies, (that replaces the somewhatarbitrary choice of f made above) and depends on the functional form ofh 2 0 gw( f ). For h 2 0 gw( f ) independent of the frequency, using the analyticalapproximation of equation (12.49) for S n(i) ( f )(i = 1, 2) and equation (12.44) forγ(f ), we get 5h 2 0 min gw( ) 1 year 1/2 ≃ 7 × 10−8 SNR 2 , (h 2 0T gw( f ) = constant). (12.52)It is interesting to note that the main contribution to the integral comes fromthe region f < 100 Hz. In fact, neglecting the contribution of the regionf > 100 Hz, the result for h 2 0 min gw changes only by approximately 4%. Also,the lower part of the accessible frequency range is not crucial. For instance,restricting the numerical integration to the regions 20 Hz ≤ f ≤ 200 Hzand 30 Hz ≤ f ≤ 100 Hz the sensitivity on h 2 0 gw degrades by 1% and10%, respectively. This means that the most important source of noise for themeasurement of a flat stochastic background is the thermal noise 6 . In particular,the sensitivity is limit<strong>ed</strong> by the mirror thermal noise, which dominates in theregion 40 Hz º f º 200 Hz, while the pendulum thermal noise dominates below5 The integral has been evaluat<strong>ed</strong> numerically in the frequency interval 2 Hz–10 kHz. The analyticalfit of equation (12.49) underestimates the noise power spectrum in the region f < 2 Hz and, in anycase, this frequency region gives no appreciable contribution to the integral. Above 10 kHz the overlapr<strong>ed</strong>uction function is negligible (see figure 12.2).6 Note also that it is not very meaningful to give more decimal figures in the minimum detectablevalue of h 2 0 min gw . Apart from the various uncertainties which enter the computation of the sensitivitycurve, a trivial source of uncertainty is the fact that the computation of the thermal noises areperform<strong>ed</strong> using a temperature of 300 K. A 5% variation, corresponding to an equally plausible valueof the temperature, gives a 5% difference in h 2 0 min gw . Quoting more figures is especially meaninglesswhen the minimum detectable h 2 0 gw is estimat<strong>ed</strong> using the approximate quantities h c ( f ), h n ( f ),i.e. approximating the integrand of equation (12.12) with a constant over a bandwidth f . Fora broadband detector these estimates typically give results which agree with the exact numericalintegration of equation (12.12) at best within a factor of two.

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