(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).

(ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).


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8 <strong>Gravitational</strong> <strong>waves</strong>, theory and experiment (an overview)the matter fields is both nonlinear and non-local. The existence of such an infinit<strong>ed</strong>imensionalsymmetry guarantees that the two-dimensionally r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong> nonlinearfield equations are integrable. This can be shown in a standard way by exploitingthe symmetry to prove the equivalence of the theory to a system of lineardifferential equations whose compatibility conditions yield just the nonlinearequations that one wants to solve. As an example of the application of themethod to the construction of exact solutions of the two-dimensionally r<strong>ed</strong>uc<strong>ed</strong>Einstein’s equations, the results are employ<strong>ed</strong> to derive the exact expression ofthe metric which describe colliding plane gravitational <strong>waves</strong> with collinear andnon-collinear polarization.Gasperini’s contribution deals with string cosmology and with the basic ideasof the so-call<strong>ed</strong> pre-big bang scenario of string cosmology. Then it treats theinteresting problem of observable effects in different cosmological models, andin particular the so-call<strong>ed</strong> background of relic gravitational <strong>waves</strong>, comparing itwith the expect<strong>ed</strong> sensitivities of the gravitational-wave detectors. The conclusionis that the sensitivity of the future advanc<strong>ed</strong> detectors of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> maybe capable of detecting the background of gravitational <strong>waves</strong> pr<strong>ed</strong>ict<strong>ed</strong> in thepre-big bang scenario of string cosmology and thus these detectors might testdifferent cosmological models and also string theory models.The paper by Bini and De Felice studies the problem of the behaviourof a test gyroscope on which a plane gravitational wave is impinging. Theauthors analyse whether there might be observable effects, i.e. a precession ofthe gyroscope with respect to a suitably defin<strong>ed</strong> frame of reference that is notFermi–Walker transport<strong>ed</strong>.The contribution by Luc Blanchet deals with the post-Newtoniancomputation of binary inspiral waveforms. In general relativity, the orbital phaseof compact binaries, when gravitational radiation emitt<strong>ed</strong> is consider<strong>ed</strong>, is notconstant as it is in the Newtonian calculation, but is a complex, nonlinear functionof time, depending on small post-Newtonian corrections. For the data analysison detectors, a formula containing at least the 3PN (third-post-Newtonian) orderbeyond the quadrupole formalism (see the contribution by Schutz and Ricci) isne<strong>ed</strong><strong>ed</strong>, that is a formula including terms of the order of (v/c) 6 (where v isa typical velocity in the source and c is the spe<strong>ed</strong> of light). Blanchet’s paperthus treats the derivation of the third-post-Newtonian formula for the emission ofgravitational radiation from a self-gravitating binary system.The paper by Ed Seidel deals with numerical relativity. Among theastrophysical sources of gravitational radiation that might be detect<strong>ed</strong> by laserinterferometers on Earth there is the spiralling coalescence of two black holesor neutron stars. However, gravitational <strong>waves</strong> are so weak at the detectors onEarth that, as Seidel explains in his paper, one ne<strong>ed</strong>s to know the waveform inorder to reliably detect them, in other words gravitational-wave signals can beinterpret<strong>ed</strong> and detect<strong>ed</strong> only by comparing the observational data with a set oftheoretically determin<strong>ed</strong> ‘waveform templates’. Unfortunately, we can solve theEinstein’s field equations (coupl<strong>ed</strong>, nonlinear partial differential equations) only

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